ARMA - Columbus, OH

Welcome to the website for the Columbus, OH Study Group of the Association for Rennaissance Martial Arts. We are a group of historical European Swordsmanship martial artists who are endeavoring, along with many other scholars throughout the world, to recreate the lost martial arts of medieval and rennaissance Europe.

Primarily, we study the German longsword arts, as first recorded by Johnannes Liechtenauer and later published by such masters as Sigmund Ringeck and Joachim Meyer. We also use sources from Italian masters such as Fiore dei Liberi and Filippo Vadi in our studies, as we believe that no one master's work contains a complete look at the arts of the time, and much can be gained from the study of more than one master.

This is a serious look at these martial arts, and not play-acting or renactment. We do not perform at medieval fairs or such events. Instead, we study how the longsword and other weapons were used in actual combat of the period. Among our goals is to blow away the misconceptions of this period of time and to show these arts as just as effective as any that come from other parts of the world.