Mr. Quotes

You say tomato, I say tomato..........(hmmmmm, reads okay though.)

I'm not an actor, but I play one on TV.

Roses are red, violets are blue, some poems rhyme, but not this.

Why don't ' minimalists' find a shorter name for themselves?

Oh, no! Not ANOTHER learning experience!

No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway.

Democracy: 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch.

Did you expect mere proof to sway my opinion?

My Little Waste of Essays

Note: Not all pages in this section are completed yet.

Star Wars: The Ticket Line
My way cool experience in grabbing first-day front-row tickets for The Phantom Menace at the world's most totally niftaramo theatre! Complete with pictures of the line and ticket!

The Video Game Conspiracy
Stop! You must be warned! The whole industry is trying to control you, dammit! Save yourself and read this important revelation!

Oh, Damn
One of my personal favorites :) This was originally written for Freshman Honors English, where we were given a totally random picture and told to generate a story about it. I'm quite proud of this one. :)

And This, Too, Shall Pass Away...
A short story written by me. People have told me it's good, I personally have mixed feelings about it. (I liked it at first, but kinda regretted parts of it upon rereading it.) However, I like it enough to put it up here, so enjoy. Oh, yeah, and this was for English class, too.

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor
Ok, I won't try to dress this up. It's a school report. On the radio industry. I like it a lot. You may not, but that's your problem.

Hooked on Electrolysis Works for Me!
My latest report! Done for Chemistry Honors, this one takes you through the process of electrolysis! Fun for the whole family!