Top Ten Reasons Nat Should Choose LaCroix Over Nick

by NuitCoeur

  1. LaCroix isn't obsessed with guilt.
  2. LaCroix won't subject Nat to litanies about "the evils of vampirism" then go off and use his powers (or go suck on Janette's neck)
  3. LaCroix has the uncanny ability to understand a person. Nick can see past his own feelings.
  4. LaCroix is suave, debonair, and well-dressed. Nick is...well, Nick.
  5. LaCroix's mind in no way resembles a brick. Nick is "a brick with fans."*
  6. Has Nick ever taken Nat out to dinner?
  7. Times LaCroix has fallen in love previously: 1. Time Nick has fallen in love previously: too many to count.
  8. LaCroix can see other people's motavations, and use that. Nick can't even understand his own motavations.
  9. LaCroix remembers things from before Visuvius. Nick counldn't even remember Nat's birthday.
  10. LaCroix wouldn't tell Natalie he loved her, then drain her.

* The term "brick with fangs" comes from Susan Garrett's the Not-So-Gentle Art of Nick-Picking, available at

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