Top Ten Reasons Nat Should Choose LaCroix Over Nick
by NuitCoeur
- LaCroix isn't obsessed with guilt.
- LaCroix won't subject Nat to litanies about "the evils of vampirism" then go off and use his powers (or go suck on Janette's neck)
- LaCroix has the uncanny ability to understand a person. Nick can see past his own feelings.
- LaCroix is suave, debonair, and well-dressed. Nick is...well, Nick.
- LaCroix's mind in no way resembles a brick. Nick is "a brick with fans."*
- Has Nick ever taken Nat out to dinner?
- Times LaCroix has fallen in love previously: 1. Time Nick has fallen in love previously: too many to count.
- LaCroix can see other people's motavations, and use that. Nick can't even understand his own motavations.
- LaCroix remembers things from before Visuvius. Nick counldn't even remember Nat's birthday.
- LaCroix wouldn't tell Natalie he loved her, then drain her.
* The term "brick with fangs" comes from Susan Garrett's the Not-So-Gentle Art of Nick-Picking, available at
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