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Mask Of Zorro
Pictures           Sounds           Products

Quality Zorro Pictures...
zorronw.jpg (24394 bytes) rzorro.jpg (8499 bytes) garcia.JPG (36733 bytes) dance.JPG (50361 bytes)

fight.JPG (38344 bytes)  practice.JPG (46485 bytes)  them.jpg (14535 bytes) zorro!.JPG (28886 bytes) closup.JPG (11426 bytes)bw.GIF (28034 bytes) horse.JPG (28130 bytes)

More pictures of not-so-good quality...
zordanc.GIF (62408 bytes) zorhors.GIF (58633 bytes) zorkiss.GIF (56533 bytes) cut.GIF (31958 bytes) rose.GIF (56747 bytes) close.GIF (51878 bytes)


"You know zorro, he could be anywhere."

"I have broken the fourth commandment." "You killed somebody?" "No! That is not the fourth commandment."

"That is not so bad."

"The only thing would be to deny what your heart truly feels."

"I don't have the time to give you the proper instruction."

"I had impure thoughts about a man."

misc. sound

"Not bad."

"Not bad at all."

"Do you know how to use that thing?" "Yes, the pointy end goes into the other man."

"This is going to take a lot of work."

"When the pupil is ready, the master will appear."

"Zorro was a servant of the people, he did what was needed." "And know he's needed again."


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