Eric Roberts Filmography 2000 to current with notes

This page is for all those people who have asked me about film titles and plots that they can't quite remember. Here's where I tell fans which films I haven't been able to get on video and give information about the films that I've seen or at least have information about. I'm listing them, as near as I can tell, in reverse order, last films first. Updated 29 May 2005.

Princess (2006)
A story in The Hollywood Reporter" said that this is another Cinderella story written and directed by Babar Ahmed and produced by Ilyssa Goodman. Average American high shool cheerleader suddenly finds out the she is really a princess of Samarza. It was supposed to start filming in the fall of 2004 in Washington, D.C. but I haven't heard anything more about it.

A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006)
I haven't seen this one yet. It is based on a book by Dito Montiel about growing up in the 1980's who is saved from growing up like his friends who are all dead or on drugs. It stars Robert Downey, Jr.

Geppetto's Secret (2005)
This is a cartoon and Eric is the voice of Jack Hammer.

DOA: Dead or Alive (2006)
I haven't seen this one yet.

Comedy Hell (2005)
A horror/comedy that was filming in L.A. at the end of July 2004. Eric plays a sheriff on the trail of a serial killer at a comedy club.

Sister's Keeper (2005)
I haven't seen this one yet. It is supposed to be about a girl who thinks that the hitman hired to kill her is her long lost brother.

Six: The Mark Unleashed (2004)
A Christian-themed film by the makers of Mercy Streets that is set in the future. Eric does not have a major role. This movie was released in summer 2004. The portrayal that I found most interesting was Brad Heller as Preston Scott because Preston Scott was a totally evil character and Brad Heller looks so absolutely cute and unevil in real life. Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Eric have known each other for years, according to the "Making of Six" but this is the first time that they have had an opportunity to work together.

Forbidden or 4-Bidden (2004)
I have heard that it is a thriller and that they have already planned a sequel. Eric is not the star of 4-Bidden and I haven't heard yet whether he has been cast in 4-Bidden II.

The Last Shot (2004)
Eric plays Emily's ex-husband. Haven't seen it but it sounds like his role in Cecil B. DeMented.

A short released at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival.

Sledge: The Story of Frank Sledge (2004)
Release date is 3 Sept. 2004. Eric plays the police chief.

Junior Pilot (2004)
I have this on DVD. A family film with Eric playing Coach Davis. The boy in the movie is not a favorite of Coach Davis because he is not a jock. He is not one of the students who is given a free ticket for a special trip but gets to go anyway because his father gets him a ticket. His bravery on the trip makes Coach Davis change his mind and decide that there are other talents just as important as being a jock.

Miss Castaway (2004)
Has not been released yet. Could do for Charlie Schlatter's movie career what Facade did for Brad Garrett. For info and pictures visit their website at

Break a Leg (2003)
Haven't seen this one yet.

Intoxicating (2003)
Haven't seen this one yet. It is about a surgeon who abuses alcohol and drugs. Eric is his supplier.

Killer Weekend (2001)
Has had the title changed from "The Weekend." This was released in Feb. 2004. It's sort of a murder mystery thriller about three couples spending a mix'n'match weekend together at a vacation house.

National Security (2001)
A comedy. Eric has a very very small role as the bad guy and 3/4 of that is actually the stunt man. I'm going to make it a point never to see another Martin Lawrence movie as long as I live. Maybe longer.

Endangered Species (2002)
Filmed in Lithuania and released in Europe Nov. 2003 but not here in U.S. Apparently humans are the endangered species.

Russians in the City of Angels
This is a Russian TV series that was filmed in Los Angeles using both American and Russian actors. Eric is in episode 7/8 on DVD #4. He plays a character who is trying to protect a woman and her little girl who are in danger. He is charming in his scenes with the little girl and although he is shot in the end, we do not see him die. Where they leaving the door open to have his character return later in the series? But he does not appear on any of the other episodes on this set of DVDs. The Internet Movie Database calls this Force of One.

The Civilization of Maxwell Bright (2002)
Haven't seen this yet. Started filming November 2001 with the title "Sex and Violence." Release date at imdb is June 2005. Eric does not have a starring role.

Killerblue (2002)
Was supposed to start filiming in late 2001 but I never heard anything more about it. May not have been made.

Fool Proof (2002)
This was filming in 2001. Haven't found it on video. Original title of this movie was "Fool Proof," then they changed the name to "Murder by Numbers," then Sandra Bullock decided to make a movie called "Murder by Numbers" so they have apparently decided to change the name of this movie back to "Fool Proof." It is not the same as the Canadian film, "Foolproof" that was released in 2003.

Wolves of Wallstreet (2002)
Eric plays Dyson Keller, the senior partner at Wolfe Brothers brokerage firm. The new recruit, Jeff, thinks that he is willing to to absolutely anything to be part of the best brokerage house on Wall Street until he finds out that his co-workers snack on raw meat and mark their territory. Tagline: It'a a dog-eat-dog world.

The Brotherhood III: Young Demons (2002)
Some places that sell this video list Eric as the star of this movie. I have the movie and Eric is not in it. I watched the whole thing very carefully (Yeech! Bleech!) and it is about a bunch of really stupid teenagers chasing each other around a school in the middle of the night. It must have had a budget of about $2.49.

Spun (2002)
Eric and Mickey together again but only for a minute. Described on the Brink Films web site as "Easy Rider for the year 2002." Eric has only a very small role. He plays a way-over-the-top gay character who gives Mickey Rourke supplies & equipment he needs to rebuild his meth lab. Michey Rourke has a much larger role and is very good. He looks in too good shape to be the cook in the meth lab. Also stars Jason Schwartzman, John Leguizamo, Mena Suvari and (exceptionally good) Brittany Murphy. There's a bunch of drugs and sex in this movie -- send the kiddies to the library while you watch it. Granny can watch with you. She might get a big kick out of Deborah Harry playing the biker lesbian who does phone sex.

Long Ride Home (2001)
Cowboy movie starring Randy Travis. Eric gets to play the romantic good guy this time! A hokey script that looks like it was based on a couple of old Bonanza plots. Eric always looks comfortable in 19th century clothes -- see also Roughing It and Purgatory. Eric rides his own horse "Silk" in this movie. Randy Travis's horse is also attractive and appears to be a good actor. Eric, the horses and the wide-open scenery were the things I liked best about this movie.

Christmas Rush (2003)
The video is called Breakaway. Eric plays a thief who is robbing a shopping mall on Christmas Eve. Dean Cain plays the off-duty cop who walks into the middle of the robbery and single-handedly tries to stop Eric and his band of thugs. Lots more violence, gun fire and explosions than most of the other Christmas movies. Eric is the bad guy and has a starring role so he appears in a large percentage of the film and he's looking good. Filmed in the evening after closing time in a real shopping mall in Canada.

Mark Twain's Roughing It (March 2002)
Eric shows up about 2 1/2 hours into this 4-hour mini-series as a foreman for a factory where Mark Twain works for awhile. It's a small but very important role since he turns Mark Twain into a writer.

Justice League (2001) TV cartoon series. Eric plays cartoon character called Mongul.

Con Games (2001)
I bought this on DVD in beginning of August 2002. I've watched it and I felt that Eric and Martin Kove were doing more than their fair share of the acting. Tommy Lee Thomas has a web page with a mean looking photo of Eric and a synopsis of the movie. Eric gets to be the bad guy again.

Fast Sofa (2001)
Bought Fast Sofa on eBay for cheap. Didn't want to pay full price because I heard that Eric only had a small role in it and I figured that if Jake Busey was anything like his father, Gary Busey, then I would probably not like the movie at all. As it turns out, the movie is a lot better than I expected.

Raptor (2001)
This is a Roger Corman film which means it was never intended to be any good. It was also directed by Jim Wynorski who didn't even put his real name in the credits. Eric plays Sheriff Jim Tanner. Sheriff Tanner is investigating murders committed in his territory by some kind of wild beast. He is being aided in his investigation by the local animal control officer, played by Melissa Brasselle. Eric seems to be the only person who showed up for work to make a real movie. Melissa Brasselle, dressed in tight jeans and shrinky little tops with mountains of cleavage and fingernails like Edward Scissorhands, looked more like a hooker than a dog catcher. The dinosaurs were played by hand puppets and those little plastic dinosaurs that you get free with a Happy Meal. Many scenes were taken from other movies and spliced in so the backgrounds, people, vehicles, etc. did not match the ones in the rest of the movie.

After listening to Jim Wynorki's commentary on the DVD, I had to throw away my clothes and take a shower to get the smell out of my hair.

Rough Air (2001)
Eric stars as First Officer Hogan and must take control of the plane when the pilot is injured. One disaster follows another, from mechanical failure to bad weather to panicked passengers. Video Business magazine didn't think much of the movie but says "To his credit, Roberts handles another thankless role with sincerity and restraint, resisting what must have been a nearly irresistible urge to chew up the scenery." If anyone has any idea what is going on with the vicious dog in the cargo hold, please let me know.

Sol Goode (2001)
Finally saw this. Several web sited including the Internet Movie Database say that Eric is in it but I didn't see him. Where is he?

Walking Shadow (2001) (A&E)
Eric plays currupt Police Chief DeSpain. Movie based on Spenser novel by Robert Parker. The Spenser novels have all been best selling books so, if you like the Spenser novels, then you will probably like this movie. This is a quality production and Eric is in good company with very solid actors Joe Mantegna as Spenser, Ernie Hudson as Hawk and Marcia Gay Harden as Susan Silverman. Show aired Sunday, August 26, 2001.

Frozen in Fear (2001)
The Flying Dutchman has been re-named. The ad for the DVD, pretty much gives away the whole movie. Why do they do this? Why do they release a trailer or other advertisement for a film that tells you the whole plot of the movie from beginning to end? Eric plays a sensitive painter (a sculptor would have made more sense) named Sean who is living in obscurity in Montana until one of his paintings is discovered by a scout for a Seattle art gallary who is staying at the bed & breakfast. Sean's parents died when he was a child and, we learn from a series of flashbacks, that Sean saw what happened to them. The experience was apparently so traumatic that he has been mute ever since. When a buyer for the art gallary (Catherine Oxenberg)comes to town to cash in on Sean's paintings, a whole bunch of nasty secrets are revealed. Breath-taking scenery.

Stiletto Dance (2001) (HBO)
This is a made for TV original HBO movie and it's really intense. The director is Mario Azzopardi. Eric plays Kit Adrian, an FBI agent who has gone undercover with his partner to infiltrate the Russian mafia. He'll do anything to get the job done. It is so incredibly brave how Eric goes up against Lucie Laurier totally unarmed. No gun, no shirt, no pants... Sorry, back to the actual plot -- the Russian mafia is doing bad stuff so Kit and his partner have to find out what, when, where, and how and then stop them. Meanwhile, Kit's partner is not so sure whose side Kit is on. Kit's previous partners have ended up dead and there is evidence that Kit had something to do with it. Available on video and this one is worth buying.

Dirk and Betty (2000?)
This is an independant film directed by Robert Bauer that apparently premiered at the Hampton's International Film Festival. I don't think it's on video -- I haven't seen it. Two close friends experiment with drugs and end up stranded at a convenience store. Eric plays one of the customers.

The Beat Nicks (2000)
Haven't seen this one. official web site

M (2000)
Haven't seen this. Not available on video. It was shown at the Cannes film festival in 2000.

Flying Dutchman (2000)
Title changed to Frozen in Fear (2001)

Cecil B. Demented (2000)
Played at theaters and is available on video. Has an official web site. Half way through the movie the main characters are watching a television news show and Eric is interviewed for something like 12 seconds.

Mindstorm (2001)
Eric plays charismatic cult leader, David Mendez, who has a past so strange I will not even try to describe it here. He also has a "harem" of mostly cute female cult followers! Avrio Films

Dark Realm (2000 TV series) host of each episode.
Haven't seen this. Series Guide

Strange Frequency (2001) (TV VH-1)
In the segment My Generation, Homicidal 60's rock fan, Bob Henry (Eric), meets up with rapper fan, Todd, played by oldest brother on Malcolm in the Middle Christopher Kennedy Masterson. This was short but well made. Full of black humor and there is great chemistry between Eric and Chris.

Mercy Streets (2000)
Eric plays a con man who tries to involve twin brothers in his latest scam. The brothers, played by David White, are the stars of the movie but Eric has a substantial role as the bad guy and gets to do a little dark humor. Excellent film and, don't worry, it's not preachy. The only thing you notice is that the bad guys don't use any four-letter words. That's ok, Stilletto Dance uses enough for two movies. Mercy Streets Is available on video and DVD. Soundtrack is also available and includes Eric's stepson, Keaton Simons. For more info, visit the official web site

Luck of the Draw (2000)... Carlo
Quicksand was the working title. Appears to have been released first in Iceland and Australia and is now on Cinemax in the U.S. Andrea was kind enough to send me a tape. Eric was the best actor in this movie but, unfortunately, he's only in about half of it. The rest of the movie was kind of lame and Dennis Hopper turns in his worst performance ever. Jack Sweeney (James Marshall) has the stolen printing plates for genuine $50 bills and absolutely everyone wants them. Giani Ponti (Dennis Hopper) has Carlo (Eric) trying to beat everyone else who is after the stolen plates. There is a bizarre shootout. Michael Madsen and Ice-T are also in this.

Race Against Time (2000) (TNT) ... James Gabriel
James Gabriel (Eric) sells his body for organ transplants to pay his son's medical bills. It quickly becomes clear that the hospital is not playing by the rules and Gabriel must try to stay in one piece long enough to find the truth. Available on video. Original title: Gabriel's Run. Has an official web page at TNT.

Falcone (2000) (TV Mini-series) ... Raymond Ricci
FBI agent Joe Pistone (Jason Gedrick)infiltrates the mob only to find that Sonny Napoli (Titus Welliver)is really taking his orders from mob boss Raymond Ricci (Eric) who is in a lockup for the criminally insane. At the Official web site there is a photo of Eric in the Gallery.

Sanctimony (2000)
Has an official web site

No Alibi (2000) (HBO) ... Vic Haddock
Vic Haddock (Eric) learned to kill in Vietnam and uses Camille (Lexa Doig) to get his revenge when he is robbed. Eric is very definately a bad guy in this one. Available on video.

TV appearances 2000 to current date: Eric played "Ken Kramer" in "Whacked" (episode # 3.23) 16 May 2005

Genesis Awards
Eric was a host in 2004 and a presenter in 2003 and 2005.

Hollywood Squares
Eric was on several times in 2003 and 2004

What about his stage appearances?

Exoneration (2003) Bleeker Street Theater, NYC
He starred July 8 - 13.

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