Back to the fight. Piccolo charges towards Frieza, and attempts two punches, a kick, and a knee, which are all blocked by Frieza. Piccolo unleashes a flurry of attacks which Frieza manages to stave off for a short period. Piccolo finally manages to kick his left leg up until it's vertical and connects with Frieza's jaw, causing him to spew some spit from his mouth and knocking him several yards backwards! Piccolo begins to follow Frieza, but the evil alien bursts forth and surprises Piccolo, forcing him backwards and down towards the ground with a series of punches. The two warriors hit a mountain hard, sending rocks and debris flying everywhere. When the dust clears, Piccolo is embedded in the rock wall, and Frieza is crushing him into the mountain with his right hand on Piccolo's chest and his left hand on Piccolo's face! Piccolo shifts his head and manages to release his face from Frieza's one hand, but then Frieza begins to fire multiple blasts of energy into Piccolo, engulfing the entire mountain in a huge ball of energy, which explodes! Frieza rises triumphantly above the dust and debris and mockingly asks, "Well who's next? Or should I just come down and pick one of you at random!" As the dust settles, however, a shadowy figure emerges from the blasted area. It's Piccolo! Gohan rejoices, while Vegeta begins to wish he hadn't challenged Piccolo to a fight after Frieza was defeated. Frieza is unphased, "You surprise me my friend. I must admit even I thought I had done you in." Piccolo glares up at Frieza in response. Vegeta looks around and decides to make a break for it. He doesn't get very far, though, as Frieza notices and easily chases him down. After taunting the Saiyan prince for his cowardly behavior, Frieza jams his fist into Vegeta's gut and carries him back to the battlefield, then proceeds to throw Vegeta into a nearbye mountain, saying that he will deal with him after the Namek. Frieza announces his return with an animal-like roar, and apologizes, "Pardon me for the intrusion, but I just had to take care of something," Piccolo does not respond, but just stands staring at Frieza, "Time to wipe that smug look off your face," Frieza dives down towards Piccolo and slams into him, causing the rocks around them to scatter. Piccolo jumps straight up, with Frieza right behind him. The warriors meet in the sky and proceed to pound away at each other. Gohan and Krillin are now sure that Piccolo can take Frieza, as they see Piccolo continue to match hit for hit with the evil emperor. The two fight in the sky some more, then the large ball of energy surrounding them falls to the ground, taking them with it. They fight all across the landscape, causing huge clouds of dirt and debris to go flying all over the place, Piccolo's feet dig into the ground as he is pushed backwards several feet, then the two fighters continue their fist fight. Dende realizes that Piccolo bears an uncanny resemblance to Nail! Meanwhile, Piccolo is firing multiple blasts of energy right into Frieza, who is blocking them and being pushed farther and farther backwards all the time. Both fighters jump off the edge of a cliff a fly out over a lake, where they continue their fight. The energy surrounding them is causing the water below them to cave in and form a whirl pool. Frieza swings what is left of his tail and hits Piccolo in the face with it, sending him flying towards the water, but Piccolo stretches his arm an impossible length to grab Frieza's tail and pull him into the water as well! There is a huge splash, then the water calms down and becomes still. Under the surface Frieza is strangling Piccolo. Gohan and Krillin look on anxiously for any sign of their brave friend, but nothing surfaces. Under water Piccolo finally releases the air he has been holding in, which escapes his mouth in a cloud of bubbles. Piccolo's comrades look on anxiously as a form bursts out of the water in a huge splash. Unfortunately, it's Frieza. Gohan looks down at the water and cries out Piccolo's name. Frieza grins at Gohan and says softly, "Aw, don't look so sad. Your friend is just fine, and to prove it, I'll even bring him up for you." Frieza begins to form a Death Ball in the palm of his right hand. Piccolo explodes from the water, and Frieza throws the ball of energy, which hits Piccolo and expands to engulf him! The ball containing Piccolo hits the grounds and creates a huge explosion. "Okay, maybe I exagerated on the 'just fine' part, but hey, who's keeping score, right?" sneers Frieza. Vegeta looks on from his position on the ground, unable to do anything against the all- powerful monster. Frieza points his finger at the spot where the Death Ball has exploded and lets off a finger laser, which passes through the area and causes an explosion the size of city block. Gohan and Krillin look on, terrified. Frieza smirks, "That takes care of your lime-colored little comrade," Suddenly, the destroyed area of land explodes outward, and Piccolo rises from it, unharmed. Rings of stones which were caught in Piccolo's personal sphere of energy rotate around his body. "You underestimated my power," Piccolo simply says. "You know what? We might stand a chance Gohan!" Krillin states. "I think you're right," Gohan replies. "It's like Vegeta said, all we have to do is fight as one. Let's go for it!" Krillin and Gohan turn towards Frieza in their fighting stances, but Piccolo interupts, "You two stay put. Didn't I say I'd take care of Frieza?" "But... Piccolo..." "You'll never beat him alone!" "Don't argue with me," Piccolo says firmly. |