Reawen's HTML Help

Colors are specified by hexidecimal color codes. (You can sometimes use regular color names, such as "blue" or "violet," but not all browsers will read these. Since you cannot be sure that everyone trying to view your webpage will have the same type of browser as you, it is a good idea to make your code as universal as possible.) These hexidecimal codes consist of a pound/number sign (#) followed by a series of 6 numbers or letters. Here are a few color examples:

This is Navy Blue - Code: #000080
Here's Chartreuse - Code: #7FFF00
This is Deep Pink - Code: #FF1493
Here's Purple - Code: #A020F0

For a list of over 400 colors and their hexidecimal codes, click here! This will show you the colors and list the corresponding hexidecimal codes to the right of each color.

USES: These color codes can be used to specify color on any part of your webpage. You can set background color and font color with them. Instructions for how to do this are included in the "BACKGROUND" and "FONT" sections respectively.

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