Natalie Portman - Biography
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Natalie Portman is quickly establishing herself as an international sensation - her many appearances in TV shows and magazines all around the world have solidified her reputation as a talented, beautiful actress, who has taken the world by storm with her grace, charm, talent, and wit.

She was born in Jerusalem, Israel, on June 9, 1981. She is 5'4", and the only child of a doctor (reproductive endocrinologist) father and an artist mother, who also acts as Natalie's agent.

At a very young age, Natalie left Israel for Washington, then to Connecticut, and then finally to Long Island, New York, where she lived until her graduation from high school, where she was on the honor role and had a straight-"A" average. She now attends Harvard College in Cambridge, Massachussetts. She doesn't plan to major in drama or film, but rather is leaning towards something scientific, either in the mathematical, veterinary, or astronomical sciences.

She has always had an appreciation for the dramatic arts, and appeared in several plays before her 'discovery' by a New York modelling agent, who found her in a pizza parlour, at age 11. Instead of a career in modeling, however, Natalie opted to focus on acting, and made her screen debut in Luc Besson's Leon, otherwise known as The Professional.

Since that fateful movie, Natalie has performed in a number of other critically-acclaimed titles. To date, she has had roles in the following films and Broadway plays (more information found on the below links or on the Filmography page):

  • Leon
  • Heat
  • Beautiful Girls
  • Mars Attacks!
  • Everyone Says I Love You
  • Developing (short film)
  • The Diary of Anne Frank (Broadway Play)
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

    Natalie is a strict vegetarian, and became that way by observing first-hand laser surgery on a chicken at a medical conference attended to by her father. What infertility medicine has to do with chicken-frying is still beyond me...

    She enjoys all forms of dance, as well as reading and writing, and ice skating, which she learned on the set of Beautiful Girls. Her favorite music groups include Bjork, Alanis Morissette, and The Jackson 5, among others. Her favorite actor is Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, among others), and she enjoys the TV shows 'Friends' & 'Ellen.'

    For all of you who are thinking of meeting with her and such, don't bother. Ever since her immediate super-stardom after the release of Star Wars: Episode I, contacting her has become a virtual impossibility. And don't bother looking her up; Portman is not her original family name. It is the maiden name of her grandmother. Also, Natalie took a stage name to keep herself and her family separate from her fans, so let's try to keep it that way, okay? Respecting her privacy as long as she desires it should be paramount.

    For a snail-mail way to contact Natalie, please write to the following address (via her agent). And for heaven's sake, be polite and courteous. And no, no confirmed email address, ICQ UIN, AIM handle or phone number exists, so don't bother asking. :)

    Natalie Portman
    c/o ICM
    8942 Wilshire Blvd.
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211

  • Spanish

    Natalie Portman rapidamente se va estableciendo como una estrella internacional.- sus presentaciones en shows de TV y revistas alrededor de todo el mundo han solidificado su reputacion de una talentosa y hermosa actriz, quien ha cubierto al mundo con una tormenta de gracia, encanto, talento e ingenio.

    Ella nacio en Jerusalem, Israel el 9 de Junio de 1981. Mide alrededor de 1,60mts. Es hija unica de un padre doctor (Endocrinologo Reproductivo) y una madre artista, quien tambien trabaja como agente de Natalie.

    A Una temprana edad, Natalie dejo Israel por Washington, luego Connecticut, y entonces finalmente Long Island- New York, donde vivio hasta graduarse en el High School, donde obtuvo una mencion de honor y una merecida "A" de promedio. Actualmente ella asiste al Harvard College en Cambridge, Massachussetts. Ella no planea especialisarse en drama o cine, pero posiblemente se incline por algo cientifico, incluso en matematica, veterinaria o ciencias astronomicas.

    Ella siempre ha tenido aprecio por las artes dramaticas y aparecio en varias obras, antes de ser "descubierta" por un agente de modelos de New York, la encontro en un Pizza Porlour, a la edad de 11. En lugar de una carrera de modelo, Natalie opto por enfocarse a la actuacion, y tuvo su debut en la pantalla grande en Leon de Luc Besson, tambien conocida como The Proffessional.

    Desde esa mitica pelicula, Natalie ha actuado en otros titulos aclamados por la critica. Para tener en cuenta, ella ha interpretado roles en las siguientas peliculas y obras de Brodway: (Mas informacion podra ser obtenida en los links que siguen a continuacion o en la pagina de filmografia.)

  • Leon (The Proffessional)
  • Heat (Con Al Pacino, Robert De Niro)
  • Beatifull Girls
  • Mars Attacks! (Con Jack Nicholson)
  • Everyone Says I Love You
  • Developing (Short Film)
  • The Diary of Anne Frank (Obra de Broadway)
  • Star Wars Episode 1: The Phanrom Menace

    Natalie es una estricta vegetariana, y comenzo a serlo luego de observar a su padre operar a mano alzada con un laser, a un pollo, en una conferencia medica. Lo que la medicina en infertilidad puede hacer sobre un pollo frito, aun esta fuera de mi alcance...

    Ella disfruta todo tipo de danza, como tambien leer y escribir, o patinar sobre hielo, lo que aprendio en el set de Beatiful Girls. Sus grupos musicales favoritos incluyen a Bjork, Alanis Morissette y The Jackson 5, junto a otros. Su actor favorito es Ben Kingsley (Gandhi entre otras), y disfruta los shows televisivos "Friends y Ellen".

    Para todos los que estan pensando en encontrarse con ella y cosas asi, no fastidien. Siempre desde su inmediato super estrellato luego de realizar Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, contactarse con ella se ha vuelto virtualmente imposible. Y no fastidien con poder verla; Portman no es el apellido original de su familia. Es el de soltera de su abuela. Tambien, Natalie tomo un nombre escenico para mantenerse a ella y a su familia alejados de sus fanaticos, asi que tratemos de mantenerlo asi. Esta Bien? Respetar su privacidad tanto como ella desee debe ser escencial.

    Para una lenta manera de conectarse con Natalie por correo, por favor escribir a la siguiente dierccion (Por intermedio de su agente). Y por el amor de Dios, sean educados y corteses. Y no, no hay direccion de e-mail, ICQ, UIN, AIM manual o numero de telefono que se haya confirmado, asi que no fastidien preguntando. (Gracias.)

    Natalie Portman
    c/o ICM
    8942 Wilshire Blvd.
    Beberly Hills, CA 90211

    - Stakawaka
    Translated by Hernan Agustin Micucci
    To the Top

  • German

    Natalie Portman etabliert sich immer mehr als eine internationale Sensation, ihre vielen Auftritte und Artikel in TV-Shows und Magazinen in der ganzen Welt haben ihren Ruf als eine talentierte, wundervolle Schauspielerin festgesetzt, die die Welt mit ihrem Aussehen, ihrem Charme, ihrem Talent und ihrer Intelligenz im Sturm erobert hat.

    Sie wurde am 9. Juni 1981 in Israel geboren und ist 5‘4" groß (das sind ungefähr 162cm). Sie ist das einzige Kind von einem Arzt (Spezialist für Unfruchtbarkeit) und einer Mutter, die sie selbst als Schauspielerin bezeichnet, sie fungiert auch als Natalies Agent.

    In jungen Jahren verließ sie Israel und zog mit ihrer Familie nach Washington. Nach vier Jahren zogen sie weiter nach Conneticut und dann schließlich nach Long Island/New York. Dort lebt seit ihrem Abschluß der High-School, welcher übrigens den Rang "A" betrug. Nun besucht sie das College Harvard in Cambridge/Massachussetts. Sie weiß noch nicht, ob sie weiter in großen Filmen mitspielen möchte, eher will sie etwas Wissenschaftliches studieren, wie etwa Astronomie oder Mathematik. Sie beschäftigt sich auch mit dem Gedanken, Tierärztin zu werden.

    Sie hat große Anerkennung für ihre dramatischen Rollen erlangt und hat in mehreren Theaterstücken mitgespielt, bevor sie mit elf Jahren in einer New Yorker Pizzabude durch einen Model Agenten "entdeckt" wurde. Statt einer Model-Karriere wollte sie allerdings lieber Schauspielerin werden und machte ihr Film-Debut in Luc Bessons "The Professional" (deutscher Titel: "Léon – Der Profi").

    Seit diesem verhängnisvollen Film hat sie in einigen anderen "kritisch-bejubelten" Filmen überzeugt. Bis heute hat sie in den folgenden Filmen und Broadway-Aufführungen Rollen besetzt. Mehr Informationen dazu findest du in dem unteren Link oder auf der Filmbiographie-Seite. Zu den Originaltiteln habe ich jeweils die deutschen Titel hinzugefügt.

  • The Professional/Léon (Léon – Der Profi)
  • Heat
  • Beautiful Girls
  • Mars Attacks!
  • Everyone Says I Love You (Alle sagen: Ich liebe dich)
  • Developing (Kurzfilm, in Deutschland leider nie erschienen)
  • The Diary Of Anne Frank (Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank – Broadway)
  • Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (Star Wars Episode 1: Die dunkle Bedrohung)

    Natalie ist eine strenge Vegetarierin. Sie wurde dies, nachdem sie eine Laserdemonstration an einem Huhn auf einer Medizinkonferenz ihres Vaters gesehen hat. Was Medizin der Unfruchtbarkeit mit dem Braten zu eines Huhnes (Chicken-Frying *g*) zu tun hat, ist mir allerdings unklar...

    Sie mag alle Formen von Tanz, genauso wie lesen, schreiben und Schlittschuhlaufen (sie hat es am Set von Beautiful Girls elernt). Ihre Lieblingsinterpreten sind Bjork, Alanis Morissette und The Jackson 5. Ihr Lieblingsschauspielrer ist Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, Schindler’s Liste) und sie mag die Fernsehserien "Friends" und "Ellen".

    Für alle von euch, die denken, ihr könntet sie eines Tages treffen, macht euch nichts daraus. Seitdem sie Starruhm mit Star Wars: Episode 1 erlangt hat, ist es ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit, mit ihr in Kontakt zu treten! Und nach ihrem Namen zu suchen bringt auch nichts, Portman ist nicht ihr echter Familienname sondern der Mädchenname ihrer Großmutter. Also, Natalie hat einen Künstlernamen angenommen, um sich selbst und ihre Familie ein normales Leben erhalten zu können. Respektiere ihre Privatssphäre.

    Um Natalie (über ihren Agenten) zu schreiben, benutze bitte untenstehende Adresse. Aber, sei höflich und respektvoll! Und soviel ich weiß existiert keine Email Adresse, ICQ, UIN, AIM oder eine Telefonnummer. Du brauchst mich also nicht danach zu fragen :).

    Natalie Portman
    c/o ICM
    8942 Wilshire Blvd
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211

    - Stakawaka
    Translated by Robert Mehrgardt
    To the Top

  • Italian

    Natalie Portman si e' presto confermata internazionalmente -le sue molte apparizioni negli show tv e nelle riviste di tutto il mondo, hanno solidificato la sua reputazione come talento e bellissima attrice, la quale ha preso il mondo come una tempesta con la sua grazia, il suo charm, il suo talento, e la sua intelligenza.

    Lei e' nata a Gerusalemme,Israele, il 9 giugno 1981. E' alta 5'4", Ed e' figlia unica di un dottore(endocrinologo dell'infertilita') suo padre, e di un'artista madre, la quale e'anche la sua agente.

    Molto giovane, Natalie si e' trasferita dall' Israele a Washington, poi nel Connecticut, e in fine a Long Island, New York, dove vive fino alla fine del liceo, ricoprendo con onore il suo ruolo di studentessa con il massimo dei voti. Lei ora frequenta l'universita' di Harvard in Cambridge, Massachussetts. Lei non ha programmi riguardante l'arte drammatica..bensi' tende su qualcosa di scientifico come la matematica, veterinario,o le scienze astronomiche.

    Ha sempre avuto un apprezzamento per l'arte drammatica, ed e' apparsa in molte commedie prima di essere scoperta da un agente di moda in una piazza publica a Long Island, a 11 anni. Una breve carriera da modella, comunque , Natalie ha presto scelto la carriera d'attrice facendo il suo debutto sullo schermo, in Leon di Luc Besson, conosciuto anche come "Il Professionista".

    Sin da quel fatidico film, Natalie ha partecipato in molti titoli acclamati dalla critica. Per data, ha avuto ruoli nei seguenti film..e commedie per Broadway. (piu' informazioni le potrai trovare nei links a fondo pagina):

  • Leon
  • Heat =(La sfida)
  • Beautiful Girls
  • Mars Attacks!
  • Everyone Says I Love You = (tutti dicono I love you)
  • Developing (short film)
  • The Diary of Anne Frank =(il diario di Anne Frank)(commedia per Broadway)
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (la minaccia fantasma)

    Natalie e' vegetariana, lo e' diventata dopo aver assistito ad un operazione con il laser su di un pollo, ad una conferenza di medicina tenuta dal padre."Cosa centra l'infertilita' con il pollo arrosto!..tutto questo..e' rimasto dentro di me"...

    Gli piacciono tutti I tipi di danza, tanto quanto ama leggere e scrivere, e pattinare sul ghiaccio, quale, lei ha imparato sul set di Beautiful Girls. I suoi gruppi musicali preferiti sono, Bjork, Alanis Morissette, and The Jackson 5, ed altri. Il suo attore preferito e' Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, ed altri)..e gli piacciono anche I telefilm..come "Friends" & "Ellen".

    Per tutti coloro che pensano di incontrarla.. sara' molto difficile, e' diventata immediatamente una stella dopo l'apparizione in Star Wars: Episodio I, contattarla e' diventata una possibilita' virtuale. E non sperate nemmeno di cercarla ; Portman..non e' il suo vero cognome, e il nome da signorina di sua nonna. L'ha detto anche lei..e serve per tenere la sua vita privata e quella della sua famiglia, separata dai suoi fans, quindi.. rispettate la sua privacy come lei desidera..e' veramente importante ok?.

    Per mandargli delle lettere, prego di scrivere al seguente indirizzo (via il suo agente). E per l'amor del cielo.. siate puliti e cortesi. Non troverete il suo indirizzo e-mail, il suo icq uin, o il suo numero di telefono..e non sperate che io lo abbia,(quindi non chiedetemelo). :)

    Natalie Portman
    c/o ICM
    8942 Wilshire Blvd.
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211

    - Stakawaka
    Translated by Emanuele Di Bacco
    To the Top

  • Malay

    Beliau dilahirkan di Jerusalem, Israel pada 9 Haribulan Jun, 1981. Tinggi beliau adalah 5 kaki 4 inci dan merupakan seorang anak kepada seorang doktor yang merupakan bapanya dan juga seorang emak yang merupakan seorang pelukis.

    Sedangkan Natalie Portman masih muda, beliau telah meninggalkan Isreal ke Washington, kemudian ke Connecticut dan akhir sekali ke Long Island di New York di mana beliau telah menetap sehingga beliau berjaya menghabiskan pelajarannya di sekolah menengah. Di situ, beliau berjaya mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang. Pada masa kini, beliau akan menuntut di menara gading iaitu "Harvard College" di Cambridge, Massachussetts. Beliau tidak ingin menuntut sebarang subjek yang berkaitan dengan bidang lakonan manakala beliau ingin menuntut subjek yang berkaitan dengan sains, matematik atau dalam bidang perubatan.

    Sejak muda, beliau sangat berminat dalam bidang seni. Beliau "dijumpai" dalam sebuah restoran pizza oleh seorang agen peragawan, tetapi beliau lebih berminta untuk berlakon dan mula berlakon dalam "Leon" atau juga dikenali sebagai "The Professional".

    Sejak filem tersebut, Natalie telah berlakon dalam beberapa filem yang lain. Sehingga kini, beliau telah berlakon dalam filem-filem berikut.

  • Leon
  • Heat
  • Beautiful Girls
  • Mars Attacks!
  • Everyone Says I Love You
  • Developing (filem pendek)
  • The Diary of Anne Frank
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

    Natalie merupakan seorang yang hanya memakan sayuran sejak melihat suatu pembedahan laser pada seekor ayam.

    Natalie Portman mengemari semua jenis tarian, membaca, menulis dan juga meluncur ais yang dipelajari olehnya semasa berlakon dalam "Beautiful Girls". Beliau paling menyukai artis-artis musik Bjork, Alanis Morissette dan The Jackson 5. Pelakon kegemarannya adalah Ben Kingsley (Gandhi) dan juga menyukai rancangan televisyen "Friends" dan "Ellen".

    Kalian yang bermimpi-mimpi ingin menjumpainya dan sebagainya, jangan susah payah. Sejak kemunculannya dalam Star Wars, berhubung dengannya telah menjadi mustahil. Dan jangan susah payah mencari namanya; Portman bukan nama keluarganya yang betul. Ia merupakan nama neneknya. Dia juga menggunakan Portman sebagai namanya untuk memisahkan dirinya dan keluarganya dari peminat-peminatnya. Oleh kerana itu, janganlah kita sibuk-sibuk sangat tentang kehidupan peribadinya.

    Untuk menghubungi Natalie Portman, kalian boleh menulis melalui pos kepada alamat tersebut (melalui agennya). Tolonglah tulis dengan sopan. Alamat e-mel beliau tidak diketahui dan juga nombor ICQ, AIM dan nombor telefon maka tolonglah jangan menanya kami.

    Natalie Portman
    c/o ICM
    8942 Wilshire Blvd.
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211

    - Stakawaka
    Translated by Mark Lee
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  • Polish

    (Leon) - (Heat) - (Beautiful Girls) - (Mars Attacks!) - (Eveyrone Says I Love You) - (Developing) - (The Diary of Anne Frank) - (Star Wars)

    - Stakawaka
    Translated by Krzysztof Radecki
    To the Top


    Mabilis ang pagsikat ni Natalie Portman sa kahit anong sulok ng mundo - nagpatatag sa kanyang reputasyon bilang isang mahusay at napakagandang aktres ang kanyang pagganap sa mga palabas sa telebisyon at paglabas sa mga magasin.

    Ipinanganak siya sa Herusalem, Israel noong Hunyo 9, 1981. Siya ay 5'4", at kaisa-isang anak ng isang doktor (reproductive endocrinologist) na ama at isang artistang ina. Ang kanyang ina ay nagsisilbing agent ni Natalie.

    Sa kanyang kamusmusan, umalis si Natalie at tumungo sa Washington, tapos sa Connecticut, at pinakahuli sa Long Island, New York, kung saan lumaki siya hanggang sa kanyang pagtatapos sa mababang paaralan. Mahusay na mag-aaral siya at laging nakakakuha ng mataas na marka at laging nasa honor role. Sa kasalukyan ay nag-aaral siya sa Kolehiyo ng Harvard sa Cambridge, Massachussetts. Hindi niya kukunin bilang major ang drama o film; at mas nagustuhan niyang mag-aral ng kurso sa linya ng siyentipiko; sa matematika, beterinaria, o astronomika.

    Ang hilig niya talaga ay pagganap sa teatro. Nasama siya sa mga dula bago siya nadiskubre ng isang modelong agent ng New York. Natagpuan siya sa isang pizza parlor sa gulang na 11. Ngunit di niya pinili ang pagmomodelo at pinagtuunan ng atensyon ang pag-aarte sa sine. Ang una niyang palabas ay sa Leon, ang palabas na kinabibilangan ni Luc Besson. Tinawag din itong "The Professional".

    Simula noong pinalabas ang Leon, nasama si Natalie sa iba pang hinangaan na palabas. Ito ang mga palabas at dulang Broadway na kinabibilangan si Natalie (mas maraming impormasyon sa mga links sa ibaba o sa Filmography page.):

  • Leon
  • Heat
  • Beautiful Girls
  • Mars Attacks!
  • Everyone Says I Love You
  • Developing (short film)
  • The Diary of Anne Frank (Broadway Play)
  • Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

    Si Natalie ay striktong vegetaryan, at naging ganyan dahil nakita niya ang laser surgery sa isang manok sa isang medikong conperensya na pinuntahan ng kanyang ama. Kung ano ang koneksyon ng infertility medicine at pagprito ng manok ay di ko pa rin alam....

    Mahilig siya sa lahat ng uri ng sayaw. Mahilig din siyang magbasa at magsulat. Gusto rin niyang mag-ice skating at ito ay matutunan niya sa pagganap niya sa "Beautiful Girls". Ang mga paborito niyang mga musicians ay sina Bjork, Alanis Morissette, at ang Jackson 5. Ang kanyang paboritong aktor ay si Ben Kingsley (gumanap bilang Gandhi, isa lang sa maraming mga palabas). Ang paboritong mga palabas niya sa telebisyon ay ang "Friends" at "Ellen".

    Sa mga nagnanais na nakatagpo si Natalie o kung ano man ay pakay ninyo sa kanya ay huwag na kayong magplano. Simula noong mabilis niyang pagsikat sa paglabas ng Star Wars: Episode I, ang pagtawag sa kanya ay halos imposible. At di niyo mahahanap si Natalie sa paggamit ng kanyang apelyido; ang Portman ay hindi orihinal na apelyido niya. Ito ang apelyido ng kanyang lola. Kinuha niya itong apelyido na ito dahil gusto rin niyang mahiwalay siya at kanyang pamilya sa kanya. Kaya, iwan na lang natin na ganyan ang situasyon, okay? Ang pagrespeto sa kanyang privacy, kung gaano man niya katagal gustuhin ito, ay pinikamahalaga.

    Puwede mo siyang sulatan sa address na ito (ang kanyang agent ang makakatanggap nito). At sa ngalan ng Diyos, maging magalang naman kayo. At wala pa akong nakukuha na tamang e-mail address, ICQ UIN, AIM handle o numero. Kaya, huwag niyo nang itanong sa akin! :)

    Natalie Portman
    c/o ICM
    8942 Wilshire Blvd.
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211

    - Stakawaka
    Translated by Russell Ang
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