<bgsound src="superman.mid">

Hi my name is Alan Ladd.
First things first...Contrary to what it seems,I am really not a big Superman fan. I happen to love Spiderman more so than Clark Kent but I wanted to be rather mysterious about my screen name so I came up with SonofJorEl. Although this site doesnt really have much to do with Superman, it will however, deal with a lot of sites that i love...which is mainly kiddie sites such as Disney's website. With that in place, let me tell you more about myself. I am 30 years old and living in the small town of Santa Barbara, California I have been living here since 1986 when I went to college somehow even after graduation I just never got myself to leave this beautiful town by the sea. I love all types of music. I listen mostly to top 40 music and very partial to 80's music...though part of my "weird" listening selections are operas, swing/big band, and crooners (especially Frank Sinatra). I also love Hollywood (not the city). I love movies and all the glitter that is Hollywood. This might explain why I am good at trivia involving music or movies. By the way, for those of you who do not know about Ridiculist. It is a trivia game that I frequently play. To explain further, my addiction to this game stems from the interaction and witty banter that goes on in between rounds of play. This game is held in a chatroom and I have met a lot of people who enjoy the game as much as I do. I thank you in advance for any criticism you can give me that would help me in building this page to be number one. Please sign my guestbook and leave me a note even if I dont know who you are...eventually we will meet in the chatroom I call home...RIDICULIST!!! And oh yeah....I forgot to mention that I am doing all this through WebTv and not a computer. So with that excuse in mind, this doesnt seem that bad anymore eh? hehe

Come back often as I am continually updating.

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Pictures of Alan and Family

Eighties The Decade You might be from the 80's if...

Message Board I now have an interactive message board. If you have any movie quotes or any 80's trivia please post it to my board and I will add it on to my lists. Thanks. Any and all messages are welcome :-)

Movie Trivia Do you ever wonder how guys can watch a movie once and start quoting it but somehow cant remember a simple thing like anniversaries? Well that wont be explained here but it will test you of your movie knowledge and see if men are better at remembering movie quotes than women.

Banners My very own Banner Exchange program and web rings I belong to.

Links to Alan's web friends Here lies the links to Ridiculist players' homepages.

last updated August 3,1999

Disney Tunes Listen to the tunes from Disney films

Disneyland's Homepage The happiest place on the net

Urban Legends Awesome website dedicated to legends and folklores...everything from Disney myths to Sex myths...must see.

Talkcity Homepage This is where I go to chat with my net friends and play Ridiculist

Paul Erickson's Page Excellent Tutorials and Resources made for WebTv but can be applied to PC users as well

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