Rocky IV

Rocky IV was filmed in Philidelphia, parts of British Columbia, Canada, and Russia, in 1985. This is, in my opinion, the best "Rocky" movie of them all. In this movie, Rocky and Apollo are really good buddies. Then a Russian amateur boxing champion, Ivan Drago (which in English means "John Dragon")(played by Dolph Lundgren), comes to America and gets challenged to a exhibition match by Apollo. This Russian is nothing they have ever seen. It turns out Apollo is killed by Drago. This is it, Rocky will get sweet revenge.
Rocky challenged Drago to a fight which will be held on Christmas Day in Russia. This is where the training and awesome music come in. This movie has the best training sequence of them all.
Now, Adrian comes to Russia to help Rocky. IT'S SHOW TIME!!!!! Now it's time for Rocky to show Russia who kicks the ultimate ass. Rocky is getting his butt kicked, but then, so is Drago. It's pretty much even, if you think about it. Then in the 15th and final round. WHAMM, see you later, punk. Rocky whipped that shit-eatin' grin right off Drago's face to leave him on his ass. Rocky has done it.

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