The Bad Guys@The Iris
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Ra's Son
Position:System Lord of Chulak
First AppearanceThe Children of The Gods
Information:Apophis is the Goa'uld system lord of Chulak and surrounding planets. He is one of the biggest enemies of Earth. He tried to destroy Earth with the aid of his son Klorel, but he failed. As a result the other system lords look down on him and seek to remove him from his position on Chulak. Apophis took Shar'ai and her brother Skaara as hosts for his wife and son. Since then SG-1 has been commited to finding them and bringing them
home safely.
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Position:Son of Apophis
First AppearanceWithin The Serpent's Grasp
Information:Klorel is the son of Apophis. Not much is known about him except tha the ocuppies the human body of Skaara. He has proven to be as ruthless as his father and even though it has been believed that nothing survives of the host Skaara has proven that theory wrong. When Klorel spared the lives of Colonel Jack O'Neill and Teal'C instead of killing them immediately as ordered he showed that Skaara has some influence over him.
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Position:Mother of the Goa'uld, Wife and Mother of Ra
First AppearanceHathor
Information:Hathor is the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebrity and music. She has also been proven to be the mother of the Goa'uld. She is also the wife and mother of Ra. Hathor gained control of Cheyenne mountain for a brief time before the women officers defeated her. However she escaped through the stargate and has not been heard from since.
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Position:Son of Ra
First AppearanceThor's Chariot
Information:Very little is Known of Heur'her except that he is the son of Ra. He was the first to try and take control of Asgard after Thor's Hammer was destroyed. He also seeks to destroy Apophis and take over control of the planets he inhabits.
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Position:Egyptian King of The Gods
First AppearanceStargate: The Movie
Information:Ra was the very first Goa'uld Earth encountered on the original Stargate mission. Ra had control over many planets and the naquadahh they contained. With the help of the first Stargate team the Abydans managed to kill Ra and free their planet from his rule.
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