Skin Prep 4
Phew we are just about near the end :)
After you have finished erasing out all the different details
on the skin It's now time to smooth it out.
No need to duplicate this layer I only did it to show you
the blurring step but you do it all on the "Blurred skin"
layer which you have just finished erasing out the detial on.
Go to Filters -> Blur -> Guassian blur
(I use a radius of 3.0) and click ok.
Now it looks like a great big mess Don't panic!
You must fade down the filter, to do this:
Ctrl + Shift + F and fade it down until it is just before
the grainyness comes back.
For this pic it was about 52% but on some of my other pics
I've used 62% and even 48% all depends on your own taste here.
Trex & coolhand were my main helpers in this section,
Thanks guy's :)
Now you need to get rid of what they call "Haloing"
To do this use the "Wand" tool from the tool bar
and click it in the blank area around the skin. You will see
that the selection is a fair distance from the edge of the skin.
You need to go to Select -> Modify -> Expand
I mostly expand it by about 5 or 6 pixels. So that it just
touches the edge of the skin. Now Ctrl X this will cut away any
excess burring.
Wow I know it still looks strange, but the next bit will show
you exactly why the hell we have done all this preperation.
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