Gary's Movie Ratings and Reviews

All Time Movie Archive

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1999 Movie Chart

1999 Movie eAwards

All Time Movie Chart







All Time Movie Archive

East is East 1999 39 -
EdTV 1999 70 -
8 Femmes (8 Women) 2002 61 -
8 Mile 2003 48 64
Election 1999 81 62
Elf 2003 58 -
Elizabeth 1999 82 72
Emperor's New Groove, The 2001 69 72
Empire Strikes Back, The 1980 95 -
End of Days 1999 54 -
End of the Affair, The 2000 40 56
Enemy of the State 1999 78 83
Entrapment 1999 65 63
Erin Brockovich 2000 65 60
Event Horizon 1997 67 50
Ever After 1999 79 88
Existenz 1999 66 59
Exorcist, The: The Unseen Version 2001 60 -
Eye of the Beholder 2000 20 51
Eyes Wide Shut 1999 70 56
Last modified on 23 November 2003

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