Being a watcher is not for the slayer, the watcher must possess physical prowess, keenness, agility, cunning and intellect. And, if one is not endowed from birth with a quick wit, to be a watcher, one should pursue it with vigor for the verbal slings and arrows sting and are thrust as often and quick as stakes are plunged into the vampire's breast.

Like the slayer, watchers too are called--sometimes very young--to fight the evil forces of the dark powers. Though not always do we go gentle into that good calling. A rogue force--a rebellious streak--we've all given into its seduction...lusted after the power of all knowledge available through the dark forces. You can't fight what you haven't tasted.

You might have noticed a lag in updates here at The Watcher's Tower. The truth is, with all the changes that have taken place in the World of Buffy with this fourth season, TWT was starting to look kind of dated; as such, TWT is busy, busy, busy, renovating and remodeling (currently offline). It's keeping B. Watcher pretty busy, but soon (hopefully) you'll see a beautifully renovated Tower uploaded and functional. Be patient (pretty please) and check back for the new digs....

  • 11.11.01 Lyrics from Buffy The Musical - Get'em while their hot!!
  • SUMMER 2000 Summer was a bit hectic--life is always getting in the way of fun--but like our two favorites series, The Watcher's Tower should be back on task this fall. We've been adding some Slayertisements throughout the summer...hope you like 'em!
  • 06.16.00 With all this moving and (re-)decorating (irl & cyber), B. felt inspired to share some home decorating materials (wallpaper) with you kind visitors
  • 06.15.00 B. Watcher moved IRL to our nation's capitol so there's been yet another lapse in updating.

  • New Slayertisements added:
    02.26.01 - Celebrate the moments of your (un)life...
    02.26.01 - Absolut God
    02.26.01 - Absolut Thrall
    09.27.00 - Make 7...
    08.22.00 - Watcher's Choice. Caution, this coffee's hot!
    08.08.00 - Obsession...
    06.16.00 - It's not your Watcher's...
    06.15.00 - Please, don't squeeze...
    04.25.00 - Giles and the tangy zip of...
    04.22.00 - Calgon: Take Me...

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| e-mail me | library - sign my guestbook | library - read my guestbook |

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my tower since 02.14.99

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