From the first episode of the third season
Episode Number 35, "Anne"

These Slayertisements are created with that spirit of Slayer-Humor in
mind. Hopefully you will find these amusing...feel free to let me know.

[Added 09.27.00]

[Added 08.25.00]

[Added 08.22.00]

[Added 08.08.00]

[Added 06.16.00]

[Added 06.15.00]

[Added 04.25.00]

[Added 04.22.00]

[Added 01.15.00]

[Added 12.07.99]

[Click HERE for animated version.]

[Added 12.04.99]

[Added 12.01.99]

[Added 12.01.99]

[Added 11.24.99]

[Click HERE for animated version.]

[Added 10.30.99]

[Click HERE for animated version.]

[Added 10.22.99]

[Added 10.20.99]

[Added 10.09.99]

[Added 09.16.99]

[Added 07.25.99]

[Added 06.21.99]

In the advertising tradition of everyone's favorite vodka...
[Added 06.08.99]
[Added 06.09.99]

[Added 05.25.99]

[Added 03.22.99]

[Added 03.28.99]

[Added 05.07.99]

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Watchers have entered this room in my tower

The images used for this segment of this website belong to their respective owners, including but not limited to,
Mutant Enemy and the WB Telelvision Network. The Slayerized advertisements are meant to be humorous spoofs.
This is a non-profit fan website; no copyright infringement is intended. A written request to "cease and desist" by
any of the respective copyright or trademark owners, will be respected and the images/artwork will be removed.

NOTE: These compiled creations are the intellectual property of The Watcher's Tower.
Copyright 1999 - 2000 The Watcher's Tower and B. Watcher.
If you would like to display one or a few of them on your Buffy website, please contact
B. Watcher for permission and provide a link from your website back to the Tower. Thanks!