"In the Mouth of Madness" is a bizarre, stylish film directed by John Carpenter. With a top-notch cast including David Warner, Sam Neill, and Jurgen Prochnow and Carpenter's caliber of directing, this should be a promising movie. For the most part, it delivers. The plot becomes over-the-top once the idea of schizophrenia-inducing literature gives way to the idea of the omnipotent novelist (played by Prochnow) whose works are actually prophecies. The movie begins to fly out of control once Sam Neill encounters the writer and his sinister powers, and the oddball ending leaves room to wonder if the omnipotent writer has actually existed in the first place. Aside from the carp about the plot, "In the Mouth of Madness" is a highly recommended horror film. |
** NOTE: The more dots on the domino, the better the movie. 9-12 dots is the equivalent of two thumbs up while 3 dots or less means two thumbs up the ass. ** |
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The Worm-Hole Reviews are written by Matt Barnes.