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   Gay in every sense of the word, "Killer Tongue" is not only an upbeat, low-budget horror-comedy but is also chock full of homosexuals, four of which are mutations of miniature poodles! (these turn out to be some very effeminate men who used to be dogs, but the idea would have been funnier if they instead start out as gay guys and become were-poodles). Even more notable than the poodle/men is the fact that it has Robert Englund playing a sadistic prison guard who eventually falls in love with the character played by Doug Bradley. Yes, believe it or not, Freddy Krueger has the hots for Pinhead in this picture! Then there is the star, the killer tongue, which comes into being once a pretty bank robber named Candy slurps some tainted soup. Of course, the tongue metes out a few spectacular deaths, though it loses some of its menacing qualities once it develops a mouth of its own and talks vaguely like Harvey Fierstein. Among the best moments in this movie are Candy's attempts to cut off her mutated tongue, which are certainly good for a cringe or two. Beyond that, "Killer Tongue" de-emphasizes the horror in favor of gay escapades, and the plot is so queer (and I mean that in every sense of the word) that it will leave you in disbelief over what you've just seen.

The bottom line: Except maybe to the homophobic, this is not a scary movie, but it can be somewhat amusing in its own little way. You would have a tough time finding anything similar to "Killer Tongue" and probably an even tougher time figuring out what the hell you've just seen.



6 out of 12

** NOTE: The more dots, the better it is. 12 dots indicates a masterpiece while no dots means it's a "disasterpiece." **

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The Worm-Hole Reviews are written by Matt Barnes.