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   Noted feminist Rita Mae Brown is responsible for the script of "Slumber Party Massacre", and apparently only women have directed and filmed this seriocomic slasher. It's probably not a coincidence that the male characters are noticably more idiotic than the female ones. There's quite a bit of phallic symbolism in the script with the killer screwing his prey to death with a power drill, and some castration humor shines when the heroine hacks half of the drill off with a machete. Beyond that, there is a ton of gratuitious nudity, and there is even a 10-second-long camera shot of water and soap suds running down into a girl's butt crack. As far as the horror end goes, the killings are pretty standard, though it does a fairly good job building some suspense. Also, this film holds an unusual distinction of having a character who kills snails with a hatchet! The soundtrack has some rather cheesy keyboard music--particularly during a chase scene in the gymnasium after school hours--but it adds a bit of camp value to the movie. The bottom line: "Slumber Party Massacre" is a satisfactory slasher. It's nothing great, but isn't bad either.



7 out of 12

** NOTE: The more dots, the better it is. 12 dots indicates a masterpiece while no dots means it's a "disasterpiece." **

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The Worm-Hole Reviews are written by Matt Barnes.