"Screamers" is an intriguing film from the sci-fi/horror genre. The mobile swords, which shred their human targets at an alarming speed, are awesome, and even better, they come in three different varieties! A significant part of the plot is devoted to revealing the three types of mobile swords. Also, the movie does a commendable job conveying atmosphere, and the setting really looks like a post-apocalyptic war-zone. The cast is quite good, and Peter Weller does a fine performance as the protagonist. Unfortunately the ending is rather dumb, though it probably does not signal a sequel. "Screamers" did not fare very well in the box office, but overall this is an enjoyable and underrated movie. |
** NOTE: The more dots, the better it is. 12 dots indicates a masterpiece while no dots means it's a "disasterpiece." ** |
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