Name: Terasa Lyn Livingstone


Age: 23

Birthday: April 9th 1975

Martial Status: Engaged to Jamie Drurie (Manpower member)

Schooling: Didn’t finish grade 12, started work when she was 15 and didn’t really stop or have time for university

TV Shows: Agro’s Cartoon Connection (Reporter/Host), Great Outdoors (Reporter)

Agro returning? Maybe in the afternoons

Magazine Appearances: Apart from all of the regular TV Week, Woman’s Day, etc. Terasa has posed/appeared in Inside Sport, FHM, Black & White, more to come hopefully!!!

When she posed for FHM: Just before Inside Sport, February (’98 I persume)

Likes: Travelling (of course), read books, picnic on the beach, hang out with friends and enjoy being at home

Before she was famous? Did some dancing, Stage work and one or two commercials before her big break

What Dance Academy? Kym Bowkette’s

What next, movies? Would be nice

Favourite Place she has visited? Rome (Same as me!! Knew I liked her for some reason) and Africa

Family soon? No

Favourite TV Shows: David Letterman and other funny stuff

What sort of music? Collection of strong female lyricists, eg. Natalie Merchant, Shara Nelson and Jewel

Future: Stay in TV

Transition from ACC to Great Outdoors: Channel 7 ended ACC and Terasa was asked to join Great Outdoors


Q. Everybody knows that Agro can be very mean to you, why do you think he's like that?
A. You know I ask Agro that same question almost every day and when I ask him, he always comes back with the same response:
"Well, if I wasn't mean all the time, I wouldn't be called Agro now would I?" I guess you can't argue with that (everyone knows you can NEVER argue with the Royal Bathmat himself!)

Q. He can't be the easiest thing to face each morning. How do you do it?
A. A big cup of smiles, with a spoonful of patience and a twist of IOU. Plus, I knew what I was getting into - there's an AGROVATION WARNING in Clause 4B of my contract!

Q. Is there something special that you eat for breakfast in the mornings to help you along?
A. I am yet to discover any totally digestible item that helps me in this department - when someone comes up with a fool-proof menu, let me know.

Q. Aside from working alongside Agro, what's the best thing about being on television?
A. I really get excited by all the fabulous letters I get from devoted viewers who enjoy watching the show - I think that's one of the best parts! I could say the money, but it's not true!

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