I now have a new e-mail address. I have changed my e-mail address to "Hotmail" instead of "Wowmail" because with "Wowmail" I wasn't even getting half on the e-mails. So my new e-mail address is So if you have any questions, contributions or comments please forward them to that particular e-mail address, however the "Wowmail" account will still be active for a while until things get settled in. I am also in the process of changing the e-mail address that you see at the bottom of all my pages so bear with me with that. Apart from the new e-mail I have added 5 new vidcaps of Terasa from ACC's "The Twonks". You might need to have a close look at Terasa cause she dresses up for the role.
Apart from that I am not sure when I am next going to update because like I said last week I don't have any new material so hang in there and send me some Terasa stuff. Although I should be able to find some stuff soon, just gotta look in the right places. But until I find some new stuff, I might just have to do a bit of redesigning and I might even add the "Other Aussie Celebs" page next week.....we'll see.

It has been a very slow week this week......with no new material to work with I have had to dig into some archives and pull some old stuff out. Please if you have any material of Terasa sending it on this way. I had considered putting up the pictures of the other not so famous Aussie Celebs but I have put it off again and I might even get a new web page for that, but for the meantime check out the "TV" page to find some more footage of Terasa from Agro's Cartoon Connection. I have some more to be added next week of her on "The Twonks" which is a little skit that used to be performed in Agro's Cartoon Connection. But apart from those pictures I have only done a bit of redesigning of the gallery page so it looks a bit better. But until next week if you guys and gals come across any Terasa material please send it to me at
That's it for this week.....

This week I have added two more scans to the miscellaneous page (go to the Gallery page to view the misc page) but I scanned them (yeah....oh oh) and because I don't have any editing software except the bare essentials (like cropping, lighting, etc) the scans to be honest are pretty ordinary. But when I have enough money in my bank I shall buy some software that will do my scans justice, but until then I guess you would rather see a bad scan than not a scan at all. I have also added a new link to the "Links" page with the guy from "Famous Babes" e-mailing me and wanting me to add his that is done! Also my e-mail is about two weeks behind, yesterday (29/11/98) i got an e-mail that was dated the 4th December, so I have only had a few people e-mail me regarding the "Not so famous celebs". So I will hold back for a couple of weeks before posting them. If you don't know what I am talking about see last weeks News column (below). So until next week, make sure you party hard on New Years and have a safe holiday.

Terasa was rated no.3 in TV Week's top 20 young talent of 1998!!! Like we didn't know that! Only added two more pics to the site this week but I have some ideas and suggestions I want you guys to tell me what you think about. Firstly the two pics added are Terasa pics scanned by Suave....again!! Check out his site, on the "Links" page. Go to the Gallery's Miscellaneous page to see the pics. Anyway I have some scans of other Australian celebrities, less known, so much that I haven't come across them anywhere before. I have 18 scans of Johanna Sweet (or should I say Griggs now she is separated from actor Gary Sweet), 5 scans of Liz Weekes (Australian water polo player, and recently receieved some award about being the sexiest female sports star award, I think?!?!), 12 scans of Rebecca Joyce (Olympic bronze medallist in rowing), as well as other celebs like Tania Zaetta (from her FHM pictorial). So Click Here if you want to see any of these Aussie gals. Ohh and they are from magazines like, Inside Sport, etc. so they are pretty sexy pics too! The link I added last week to the Australian Celebrity Image Studio, is correct, BUT Goose510's server got too many hits so they killed the site. Could be back in the near future but until then check out his Message Board, where you can request your favourite Aussie Celebs, and find out other stuff about your favourite celebs. The link works for me, but Click Here if it doesn't work for you. That's it for this week, let me know what you think about those other Aussie Celebs!

Sorry about the late update, can't believe although I am on holidays I still don't have much time. Anyway I got my new I just gotta find some pics of Terasa that haven't been scanned before. I have added another scan donated by Suave on the miscellaneous page, as well as a new link added to the "Links" page. Check it out, it is the Australian Celebrity Image Studio, a site which attracts heaps of people and I imagine you guys have already seen, but if you haven't you don't know what you are missing out on. I have also added an interview that was posted on the Channel Seven website with Terasa so have a look at that in the "Bio" page. Anyway that's it for this week.....hope to update on time next week.

I have a pretty big update this week anyhow tomorrow (6/12) I am getting a new scanner so I hope to bring some of my own scans to this site, cause a lot of material on this site is courtesy of other scanners. So I am looking forward to that. I have added 15 new pictures of Terasa on the Miscellaneous page (Gallery) including one that made my jaw drop which was donated to me by Suave. A new link was added to the "Links" page as well as some maintenance and little extras I have added. As you probably have noticed I have changed the wallpaper around so every page has a different background. And last but not least I have added a "Bio" page. Just lists some information about Terasa that I managed to scrap up from Channel Seven's website. Ohh and I am still tossing up whether I should go out and buy the B&W issue with Terasa in it. I think I will probably give it a miss, cause with all of the Geocities "Guidelines" it would be too difficult to organise without them ripping up my site. So check out all the new stuff, and if you want to let me know what you think, please do so!

Yeah I know I said I wasn't going to update again for a while but I have been swamped with requests asking whether I am going to post the new Terasa pics in her "Black & White" pictorial. Well it depends, the mag is pretty costly and my scanner is not of the best quality so I am not sure whether my scans will do the pics justice. However, check out out Obake's website, he has the pics scanned already and ready for your viewing pleasure. For those of you who don't know, B&W is a mag of people in all stages of undress, so if nudity offends, or you are not of the legal age, please take no attention of this paragraph. Ohh yeah, she appears in the pictorial with her finacee Jamie. So if you want to see the pics go to Obake's Terasa Livingstone Home Page. or for quick load thumbnails check out Animal's site Ozanimal's Tribute to Terasa Livingstone. Until at least the end of next week, check ya!

Ok this is the new page that is going to let everyone know when I hope to update the page and what I plan to do in this page in the future.
At the moment I am in the middle of my exams so I had to sacrifice some precious time to put this page up so I could let everyone know that I mightn't get the chance to update for at least another week. But, next time I update I hope to have a "Bio" page up which will supply everyone with some basic knowledge about Terasa especially the overseas visitors. Apart from that I am trying to change the wallpaper around instead of the monotoneous FHM & Inside Sport pictures (not that they are bad)
In the meantime check out the new pic of Terasa on Agro's Cartoon Connection on the "TV" page. The link at the bottom of the page is for anyone who would like to donate money to the Red Cross (and no I don't get any $$$ from it, just a nice guy who wants to help out the Red Cross), so if you would like to donate some money go visit their site. After the next update the link will be in the "links" section.
So until next week or maybe a bit later watch out for some new features.


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