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* Which award-winning actress left the set of "A League of Their Own as soon as Madonna was hired to co-star in the film?
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The Science Fiction Movie Series Poll
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STAR WARS (The Trilogy + Phantom Menace)
Star Trek (includes 9 movies total)
Jurassic Park (1-3)
2001 (A Space Odyssey + 2010)
Predator (1 + 2)
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File Name
ls2.wav  * Carrie Fisher sings on "Laverne & Shirley" * 611 K
darksid2.wav  Darth Vader: "If you only knew the power of the Dark Side." 82K
consular.wav  Darth Vader: "If this is a councilor ship, where is the ambassador?  Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans.  And bring me the passengers - I want them alive! 390K

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