[Whitney High School]
Whitney High School, Class of 1992

Class of 1992

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Contact Information

16 of 158 email addresses collected. Approximately 10% of the addresses collected

If someone has married, I will list their maiden name within parenthesis.

Note: Do not take the addresses from this list to use in soliciting via email or to be sold/rented off to some spam mailers/solicitation. Doing so may will result in very annoyed people. I'll also make it my goal in life to find out who you are and get your ass shut down. Yes I have no life. Live with it.

Name Contact Info
Nancy Abdel-Sayed
Kristen Abundo
Tony Ahn
Amar Akmal
Roger Allas
Catherine Allen
Andrea Au andreaau@alumni.princeton.edu
Kathy Awad
Frances Bacayo
Noel Bakh
Loraine Benzon
Amy Binder
Veronica Bloomfield
Pavadee Boribon
Gail Brewer
Julie Brock
Sheila Carvalho
Elaine Cham
Stephen Chang
Cherng Chao
Dih-Yih Chen
Michael Chen
Raymond Chen
Muy Chou Chhor
Alison Chin
Mark Chin
David Choi DChoi@texpac.co.uk
Hechung Chong
Previn de Silva
Anish Desai
James Diaz jimdiaz@earthlink.net
Jenette Dionisio
Dina Dissinger
Rostik Dukhovny
Kristen Ebright
Jacob Engle
Karin Furumoto
Haruka Fushimi
Anjali Garg
Ashwani Garg
Tricia Gee
Madonnalisa (Gonzales)-Chan lchan@mywhine.com
Michael Good
Shelley Graner
Pratheepan Gulasekaram
Robert Guiterrez
Scott Ha Scott.H.Ha.C96@alumni.upenn.edu
Howard Hahm
Christina Hahn
Richard Hahn
Jason Hill
Richard Hion
Esther Ho
Udi Hoh Email: uruki@earthlink.net
ICQ: 14020062
John Hsu hsushi@yahoo.com
Matthew Ibarra matthewi@netzero.net
Venisa Ibarra
Jill Isabell
Levin Jeng
Alejandro Joaquin
Thomas Jones
Julia Juwono
Matt Kauble
Annice Kim
Christina Kim
Chu Young Kim
Paul Kim
Julie Krutiak
David Kwon
Peter Kwon
Brandi Landsem
Vimar Laohavichien
Dana Lee
Edward Lee
Justin Lee
Karen Lee nany@csua.berkeley.edu
Sylvia Lee
Juan Leon III
Caroline Lew
David Liu
Tina Liu
Jose Lopez
Gillian Lobo
Mary Jo Lull
Shobha Mahadev
Shishir Maithel
Doris Martinez
Kelly McClenon
Rosalind McCormack
Charles McKie
Ravendra Morchi
Christine Mukai
Patrick Naick
Karthik Narayanan
Audra Narikawa Audra_Narikawa@capgroup.com
Rommel Navarro
Wendi Neiman
Sung Noh
Brent Okamura
Jennifer Olivares
Rogelio Padilla
Caroline Pak
Giwoong Park
Henry Park
Mona Patel
Anjali Pathak
Jason Paxton
Jason Pereira
Lan Pham
Marie Pinlac
Cherry Quimbanao
Jodie (Reeves) DeLeon JRDeLeon@mediaone.net
James Renger
Marc Rookey
Stephen Sams
Santiago Sanchez
Michelle Santos
Erika Segales
Salma Shariff
Willy Shea
Kimberly Shelton
Morgan Shih
Esther Shin
Theodore Shu theodore_shu@nymc.edu
Mark Singerton
Rocel Soriano
Keith Stern
Sharla (Strichard) Moore sharlamoore@yahoo.com
Kye Sugino ksugino@onebox.com
Liza Suh
Kara Taguchi ktaguchi@gateway.net
Kevinjohn Tandoc
Jason Taylor jtaylor@alesis.com
Daniel Thamotheram
Cathleen The
Charmie Torres
Danny Toscano
Michelle Trias
Willy Tsai
Rachel Valles
Jennifer Vicente
Marianne Villegas Deceased???
Marie Wang
Pamela Wilson
John Wu
Antoinette Yarza
Randolph Yi
Mona Ying
Paul Yoon
Sandy Yu
Bobby Yum
Anthony Zentil

[ Created: 06/02/00 | ]