
      Here is my collection of poems, a few written by me, most written by other people, the author's name is always at the end of the poem. Not all of the poems are about The X-Files, some were inspired by them. I encourage feedback, with both positive and negitive comments, please mail me with any comments, or if you have a poem you would like posted here. Enjoy!
He looks at me,
His eyes not seeing
He is not blind,
Yet he does not see.
He knows strangers
Better that me.
Why can't he see me,
The real me
Not that mask
That others see
Every now and then,
A glimmer of light,
Of truth shines through,
And for one brief,
Magical moment,
He sees (me)
But all to soon,
It's gone,
And he is blind,
Once more,
He does not see
(me) Again
            -Susan, '97  
He lies there, in the cold November sun,
In the frostbitten field,
While he waits for Death to come.
But come it will not,
Though he wills it so
Come it can not,
Til he forgets why it's so
And so, he lies there,
Under the blue, blue sky,
In the field so bare
And his mind, it wanders,
Over the many years past,
And how he came to be lying there,
Forgotten at last
He's touched many lives in his one,
And will touch many more before he is done
He was neither amazingly rich,
Nor paricularly famous
But he had a gift so rare,
But a burden to him
Until he learned to use it wisely,
To share
But, in time,
That became a burden as well
For not a moments peace he got,
Not for a minute or more
That's why he decided to go away,
To war
It stood agaist everthing he stood for,
Yet he needed a change,
So he he changed himself
Into something he wasn't,
A monster (of sorts)
His gift got corrupted,
Sold if you will,
The prices got higher,
And higher still
Until the only one he was helping
Was himself
A vision one day,
A moment of truth,
Proved this to him
He saw what a monster he had become,
He saw what his greed and cruelty had done
So, filled with shame,
And sorrow,
He took the knife,
And ran away from himself,
To the field.
He stabbed,
And stabbed,
And stabbed,
Until he felt healed
But it was too late,
For try as he might,
He still lay in that field,
Now in the cold November night
His pain grew so great,
From malignance,
From spite,
Before him,
There appeared more
And more
And more
Flashing white lights,
Alight in the sky
From his haze of pain,
He realized what this was,
The givers of his gift,
Come to take it off
For he was no exception,
For he, like all humans,
Suffered from
And deception
His gift now gone,
Forgotten at last,
He could now disremember his past
And now,
He lies in there, in the cold November sun,
Waiting no longer for Death
To come
                    -Jennifer, '96  
Only in My Mind
I stand in her doorway
Her furniture is gone
She is gone
She is no longer here
I close my eyes
I can see her face
Just before she left me
She was so pale
"I'm not afraid" she told me
But I was
Her grip on my hand losened
Her eyes slowly closed
The tears haven't stopped
She exists only in my mind now
She was my whole world
Now my world is shattered.

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