The FANtastic Simpsons Site




Sorry guys, but I doubt they'll be any more updates. I'm just too busy and soon to be busier with university and all (first year at U of T). I do however still love the Simpsons and am not deleting the site.
Please vote for my site as the Geocities Homepage of the Day, it will be greatly appreciated.


The site of the week is

The Simpsons Channel

To nominate your site
or someone else's site,

click here

Homer's Quote of the Week:

Homer: But Marge! I was a political prisoner!
Marge: How were you a political prisoner?
Homer: I kicked a giant mouse in the butt! Do I have to draw you a picture?

You can find this quote and many more at
Homer's Famous Quotes.

Sounds Pictures Links Awards The Making of The Simpsons
Lists Homer Quotes Trivia Guestbook Webrings

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This page was last updated on Aug.12/1998


All images, sounds, and broadcast character representations linked or embedded in this website are copyrighted by the FOX network and are presented solely for evaluation purposes. I do not claim rights to any of this material. No profits have been received for any of these items. Nor will I be liable for anything towards this website- This is strictly a personal website.

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