About Kari

-> Kari <-
..aka Acidburn

happy? you now know everything you could possibly need to know about me. unless you're stalking me. if so, feel free to e-mail me and i'll give you my address. i've never had a stalker before! kari likes being worshipped. hehe. kari likes it as much as lexy, where she ripped off that last bit there. *kari laffs* kari also likes talking in the third person. kari's friend lexy does too.. they both drive ppl insane doing so. [tho lexy doesn't admit it... she wants ppl to think she's sane *kari laffs again*] *kari stops talking like that* so what else? oh yes. lexy and i also have an obsession for the letter K, mostly due to the existence of a certain 'korner' on the net.. if u really want to know, drop me a msg and i'll explain the whole story. ;o) and please don't worry... we're in no way satanic or anything so don't be afraid :o) i guess that's it. *hugz again* ciao!

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