The Psi Factor Drinking Game

Rules: You must be as smart as this person to play this game.
Best of Luck

You novice trash tv players will probably need to start with a more mainstream show to build up your tolerance.

But, for those who are strong and brave and true . . . those who do not shrink in the face of schlock . . . those with strong gag reflexes, no viewing standards, and shallow taste in entertainment . . . this is your game.

This is still in rough form as I just made it up with Kerri Grady, my web designer a couple of weeks ago, while we were slugging down Tequila Sunrises.

Be patient.

Take a drink:

Whenever Connor Doyle dresses like an outdoorsman

When anyone wears "the special hat" to be hypnotized

Whenever Donner jumps as though she's startled

Whenever the Commando yawns

When they all sit down at "the table of bad ideas"

Every time someone's suggestion is worse than the one before

Whenever they send in the mobile unit

Whenever "something bad" happens to the mobile unit

Again when the mobile unit is destroyed

Whenever there is a blue-tinted interviewee

Whenever Doyle says, "Case file update."

Whenever you see the team in their air traffic controller headsets

Whenever they put biostat stuff on people

Whenever they videotape the inside of someone's house

Whenever Doyle is watching someone sleep

Whenever they "zone" off a house

Whenever a bit player says, "I know someone/ a group who can help."

Whenever Nigel Bennett appears (Drink again if he's not facing the camera)

Whenever someone calls him "Professor Doyle"

Whenever there is a Star Trek rip-off "sacrificial ensign" scene

Whenever Lindsay Donner uses someone's last name

Anytime the voice communication between team members goes out

When they're in a foreign country and everyone speaks heavily accented English, even to each other

5 drinks if Doyle smiles

2 drinks if the Commando makes a good suggestion

When Dan Aykroyd starts a sentence with "Was it . . ."

Whenever the people behind Dan Aykroyd are playing with rats, all yell "Rats" and take a drink

2 drinks whenever they're all huddled in a van

5 drinks if anyone has a "romantic encounter" (the Commando appears to be the only one on the show who has ever had a date)

If you remember pieces of this episode from some episode of the X-Files, yell "X-Files rip-off" and all drink

Every time the old guy hypnotizes someone

If the biology squirt tells a piece of uninteresting trivia

Whenever the Commando tips his chair back

When the episode ends in a non-Psi conclusion

When the episode ends in a non-Psi conclusion and Dan Aykroyd still harps on about how it could have been a Psi thing, it just wasn't in this case

If someone dies

If they use the infrared scanner

When they check for geological and atmospheric conditions

When Doyle yells someone's name

When anyone calls the jumpy white chick "Lindsay" instead of "Donner"

When one of the monitors goes on the fritz

When technobabble is used

When you hear Connor's disembodied voice-over, yell, "The Geek"

When a bit player calls aside a main character to whisper "important" information

When anyone says (any phrase resembling) "I've never seen anything like this before."

Someone says "HQ"

Anytime someone has electrodes attached to their head (Double if they are in their own home, triple if they are sleeping and being watched by OSIR voyeurs)

Whenever there is a visual anomaly

When Dan Aykroyd does "the eyebrow thing"

The new season -- if you're like me, you're in fierce denial that there even WAS a second season of Psi Factor.  First of all, there's a small contingent of people (thanks SO much for your opinion K-L) who think that with the demise of Connor Doyle came better acting all around.  I personally think that Connor is still alive he's just cryogenically frozen somewhere awaiting Max Headroom's scary death.
  Okay. I guess it's time for some sounding off. I'll be asking for opinions as well as some exciting new second season drinking game suggestions.

Just what exactly were they thinking?

Fill in the blanks below to express your personal opinion. The only blanks that you have to fill in under penalty of death are the comments and name section. If you forget to fill in the others you will merely be maimed. Thanks!

Your Name:
Gender: (are you) Female Male Yes 
What do you think of the new Psi Factor? 

There was an old Psi Factor? 
I love it. I think it's better than the first season. 
It's okay, but I have some suggestions 
I watch it, but I pine daily for Connor Doyle. 
It's all I can do to keep from throwing up. 

Do you hear voices in your head? 
If you have any comments, recommendations, or insane conspiracy theories, this would be the place to put it. Please include (1) Any thoughts on the show, and (2) any suggestions for season two drinking game ideas. 

Thank you for listening to my rants and raves.

Play the Trash TV Game
