analysis, pt. 2

Elizabeth Thoman
Based on the "five ideas that everyone should know about media messages" presented by Thoman, we feel that NAMAC, through its mission statement, supports media literacy education. However, most websites we reviewed were focused solely on media literacy, this organization targets independent artists, who, according to the website, "are more likely to have the freedom to express their own personal and community visions and truths."

Reviewing each of Thoman’s five points, NAMAC would agree that all media messages are constructed. That being so, the group supports independent artists who promote a non-commercial message. Along the same lines, these artists create messages using Thoman’s "creative language with its own rules." In response to the third point, NAMAC has conducted several research projects into the effects of media messages. Thoman also points out that media is driven by a profit motive. However, NAMAC attempts to ensure that even those artists or local media organizations that aren’t driven by profit have an equal opportunity to function. Finally, NAMAC members realize that all media suggest values and points of view. Its intention is to protect the minority values and points of view.

Protectionist vs. cultural studies
According to NAMAC’s goals, we believe it is an organization based on cultural studies. Whereas Friere attempted to bring literacy programs to peasants, NAMAC is attempting to "facilitate the support of independent media artists from all cultural communities and regions." In addition, it suggests that media literacy is an important education tool in all levels of schooling.

There are several benefits to these beliefs. Organizations like NAMAC are working towards creating, as well as preserving, media products from the minority population. If groups like NAMAC didn’t exist, it is doubtful that profit-hungry commercial media groups would support minority media projects.

Postmodern vs. critical views
Simply based on the message and mission statement provided by NAMAC, we believe it is based on postmodern beliefs. Above all, its intention is to empower independent artist, who are considered "alternative." The organization is also working to undermine commercial media that is driven by profit.


Copyright © 2003, Brandi Beavers & Talia M. Wilson

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