Week One Stats

Week One Stats


# of hours in class (by time, not credit hours): 14
credit hours: 16
largest class: J101-Grammar for Journalists (260)
smallest class: German 201 (28), though my Journalism TRIG and History discussion might be smaller (don't have numbers for those).
Album of the week: Led Zeppelin II
Song of the week: "Shakin' All Over" by The Guess Who (that's the original Guess Who, pre-Burton Cummings)
Download of the week: "Safe and Sound" by Sheryl Crow (took too many tries to get the album version)
Video of the week: (tie) "Light My Fire" by The Doors, Live on Ed Sullivan (Oliver Stone REALLY exaggerated that part of the movie); Andy Kaufman as Tony Clifton on The Muppet Show (which errored off before I could get the whole thing, but it was probably the cleanest performance Tony Clifton ever gave)
Favorite hangout (on-campus): The Fishbowl, in the EMU
" " (off campus): I-5; I swear I live on that freeway.
Favorite class: Vis.Comm.
Favorite professor: my grammar instructor
Highlight of the week: finally nailing my job (now I just have to survive a probationary week)
One thing I couldn't survive without: my UO mortar board (student planner)
Impression of students on campus: Greeners on bikes armed with Nalgene bottles
Response to the riots: personally, I didn't know what happened till the next day, but living only two blocks away it was noisier than usual (it always is on a Friday night), though I was pissed our building got hit with graffiti.
Places I spend the most money: Fred Meyer, Suncoast, Victoria's Secret, basically anywhere at Valley River Center (that is one kick-ass mall!)
People I call the most: Mom & Dad
People I should call more: the babies and Stephie & Jason
People I write to the most: Grandma & Grandpa
People I hear from the most: Safeway on E.18th and Sis & the babies
Favorite building on campus: the law school (and I'm sure Allen Hall will be when it becomes my new home)
Building that most reminds me of Centralia College: McKenzie Hall (when it rains outside, it also rains indoors)
Worst thing about driving to school: dodging bikes and dumb drivers who turn a two-way stop into a four-way and can't navigate roundabouts
Best thing about driving to school: reserved parking space (except nights and weekends, then it's a free-for-all)
Best thing about living in Eugene: it has everything--it's own news channels, 2 mall with (almost) everything, Costco, 2 Targets, 3 Wal-Marts, a ton of grocery stores that have most of everything and if they don't have it, it's only an hour to the coast and they'll have it.
Health: vomited twice, but from bad seafood, not nerves
Will I survive? Sure, as long as I make it through this week at work and quit setting fire to the stove (it's a long story and nothing to do with my cooking; I'm a good cook, just ask my mom).

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