Frank - "...a man everlasting"

We can now call our page the AWARD WINNING Frank - A Man Everlasting. Imagine our excitement to receive an unsolicited award from Starpages. Apparently people have been voting for our page in some forum that we weren't fully aware of. They said we had a "high standard of design and exceptional content" (LOL!) Well, it just goes to show, when you have a subject like Frank, you can't go wrong.

FRANK NEWS....Chris has several projects in the works, but none more anticipated by LD fans than his 3/14/00 appearance on Will and Grace. This will reunite him with Eric McCormack (the former Clay Mosby, now Will Truman). We plan to bring you pictures of the big event, so come back to visit!

And speaking of Frank, that's him in the picture above - played so well by Chris Potter. If we had awards to give out, Chris would win hands down as favorite guest star. Frank is funny, scary, and sometimes just plan silly. Whether sitting on Mosby's lap, posing as Amanda's brother, or biting the nail of one of his remaining fingers, Franks' our man. Take a look at our Favorite Frank Pics and we'll show you what we mean.

In all honesty, Chris cleans up very nicely and can be seen in a number of other roles. His most recent role (that we know of anyway) was on Silk Stalkings, on USA. TV guide recently described Chris as "ridiculously goodlooking" and his show as a "guilty pleasure" - sounds like something we should all be watching on a regular basis. Unfortunately, we guess it doesn't matter that TV Guide liked Chris and his show, because now it's a thing of the past. We don't think that Chris will have any trouble finding work - maybe he could revisit that Frank character....hmmmm.....

Also, visit our Episode Guide-The Outlaw Years to find out how you get to see MORE FRANK the second time around!

For other links related to Chris and his many faces and hairstyles, just look below!

Jessica's Chris Potter Page
Potaholic Page
A Chris Potter Page
Chris Potter as Frank
Chris Potter Picture Pages
The Ria Awards - Chris Potter
Chris Potter's Official Fan Club
TNT: Kung Fu - The Legend Continues
Linda's Amanda Gallery - for those of you who need the definition for "a man everlasting"!

Return to The Sikes Family Lonesome Dove Page and find out more about how you can once again see Frank when Lonesome Dove returns to TV. Plus...please sign the guestbook!

© 1999

Last updated: 2/22/00


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