Research has shown that the huggiest people are the happiest people.
Hugs are infectious and there is no antidote,
the more hugs you give the more you get back.
Somedays you feel like you want to hug the whole world.


And some days you need the whole world to hug you.
There are many types of hugs, some examples follow 1. A huggy Hug, 2. A humungous Hug, 3. and the biggest hug of all is called a scrudgy Hug.
A hug will chase the clouds away, and make the sun appear.

The most important thing of all is never be afraid to ask for one!

Badayhug I'm having a bad day can I have a hug?
HugDamit Give me a hug damit
Hug&kiss Big hug, Kiss.......
Hug Big hug.....
Hug1 excelent how about a hug
Hugg what do ya want, a hug next
Hugme Come on an hug me I know you want to
Hugnkiss A huggy song
Hugs aaawwwww I love those hugs
Hugsnkis Hugs and kisses just for you
Hugyou I'm gonna take you home and hug you and kiss you.....
Cuddle men like cuddles too
Cudlehere Cudle here.........
Tubbyhug ahhhhh big hugs
Kiss and squeeze I'm gonna kiss you and I'm gonna squeeze you

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