wavadct Hey man do you know where i can get a wav, I just need one.....
Wavaddic Welcome to wavaddiction
Wavahol and i'm a wavaholic.....
Wavbeg I like that wav...at least i would if i could hear it
Wavbeg2 I'd really like that wav if someone would like to give it to me
Wavbeg3 I really need that wav, man i need that wav.......
Wavbeggn Why don't ya take ya wav beggin ass outer here :o)
Wavblitz A song clip........
Wavbttch That bitch sits back an keeps all the good wavs...
Wavdumy How mant times am I going to forget to attach the damn wav
Wavfrnds Hey there wav friends, lets rock.....
Wavgasm she really likes this wav........
Wavgod Are you a god...........
Wavgod1 Today I am a god....Bart simpson
Wavhard I'm gonna wav you an i'm gonna wav you hard
Wavhevn Welcome to wav heaven...........
Wavhog Hey can i have that wav, that one too, and that one
Wavplease I'd like to have that wav please
Wavorgy A wav orgy.........
Wavmooch I know i'm always askin for wavs but if you give me that one....
Wavpray The wavers prayer.....
Wavprom Promise you'll send me that wav.....
Wavqueen A wav for me..........
Wavrule Waving rules, may contain rude words :o)
Wavslut Another one with a rude word....
Wavsteal You wav stealers........
Wavwars Allright whose up for some wavwars
Wavwelcm your welcome for the wav, just send me 10 back and it will be even
Wavtease oh no here's the wav teaser


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