The humble sheep is a majestic animal, easy to look after and with thirty nine fried chips in its liver. It's wooly facade needs to be removed once in a while but other than that, as long as you give him a bit of food, he'll be happy.
Price $150 |
Although most people believe that bears are dangerous creatures, this is simply a myth brought on by their immense size. True, they take a lot to look after but the rewards are generous. A rather pricey purchase however.
Price $2500
Ooooooo, it's the king of the jungle, lord of all beasts, isn't he mean, isn't he scary. Look at that mayne of golden hair, shining like sunlight. This beast is incredibly soft and gentle once tamed but can be trying at first.
Price $5000
These rather fragile birds have a nasty attitude so approach with a little care. They don't fly so a bit of chicken wire fence and the bastards can't get anywhere! A nice addition to any family.
Price $750