Stormfront HQ
I do not own any of the images or characters in this document, their purpose is for display only. This site is completely unofficial. The characters and images are owned by Chuck Norris, Norris Productions, Stranglehold Productions, CBS-TV, and other people and companies connected to the show(s). No copyright infringement is intended. This non-profit site is simply intended for entertainment purposes. I am also not connected to the show or anyone in it. Most of the graphics on this site were created by me. Stormfront graphics are based on a Patrick Roy (Colorado Avalanche) poster I own. If you have a problem with any of my site content, please contact me, and I will remove it. |
Transcripts Survival Written by: Bob Gookin Directed by: Jerry Jameson *Transcribed by Ace* (Park City, Utah) Trivette: (getting out of the van) Smell that air, people. Alex: Its so beautiful! Carlos: Can't believe we're finally doing this! A six day camping trip. This is going to be great! Trent: Yeah, sure is. Living off the land... Carlos: Living off the land? You mean we're not bringing any food? Trivette: Bringing any food? Where's the challenge of bringing food? Alex: Besides, you haven't lived til you tasted Walker's famous water bug biscuits. Carlos: Water bug biscuits? Walker: Yeah. It goes good with my tree frog chili. Trivette: My mouth is just watering thinking about it. Carlos: Water bug biscuits and tree frog chili. Oh, I get it! You guys are just messing with me. Right? Trivette, I always thought it was you they gave a hard time to. Trivette: They did. Did I mention how nice it was having you with us, Carlos? (in town) Dwight: Luke, get the gear. Buddy, get the grub. Now! Walker: (meeting up with Alex) Where are you going? Alex: Going shopping. Do you want to come? Walker: Love to, but we just rented some bikes and decided to go on a little ride. Alex: Okay. Have fun! Trent: (walking away) That was a close call! (Scott's Supply Depot) Scott: That's ten boxes ten gage, twelve boxes twenty gage. Total is $37.32. Dwight: You know who I am? (Scott nods) Good. Put this on the account. (aims gun at him) Scott: Account? What account? Dwight: Account on if you don't put it on the account I'll come over this counter and rip your heart right out of your chest. Scott: (Scott nods) Have a nice day! (on top of the hill on their bikes) Trent: Remember men, its not whether you win or lose... Trivette: It's whether I win or lose! (they begin to race down the hill and Trivette and Carlos keep falling off their bikes) Trivette: (at the end of the race and they are all resting) All right. Best two out of three. Walker: Yeah, right. (In town) Luke: (looking into store where Alex is trying on an outfit) Look at her, Dwight. Ain't she beautiful? I want her, Dwight. Dwight: Anything little brother wants, little brother gets. (at the bar) Woman: (sitting with Jimmy and a couple of others at a table) I'm an opera singer. What do you do for a living? Trivette: I'm a Texas Ranger. Woman: Ranger? No you're not! Trivette: Yes, I am! Woman: All right, then. What position do you play? Trivette: No, you're thinking of the baseball team. Woman: You're a cop? Trivette: Yeah. Alex: (dancing with Walker) Can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this. Walker: Yeah, you've been working hard. Alex: Excuse me, my dear. Trivette: (still trying to explain) You've heard of Bonnie and Clyde, right? Woman: Of course! Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty. Trivette: No, that's the movie. (Walker walks up to them) Perfect timing. See, this is my partner. Walker, tell them! Walker: Tell them what? Trivette: That we're Texas Rangers. Walker: Trivette, you're not using that old Texas Rangers line again, are you? Trivette: (looks at woman nervously) He's joking with you. Walker: Ladies, a man should be proud of what he does for a living, right? So one has to clean septic tanks. Woman: Septic tanks now? Walker: (sniffs him) Well, you got the smell off tonight. Woman: Oh, my goodness! Walker: Good. Woman: Okay.... Trivette: Walker! (exasperated) He's just joking with you! Woman: Okay. Trivette: I'm a cop. I am! Carlos: (playing pool with Trent) Don't feel bad. When we were young you studied karate. I hung out at pool halls. Trent: Double or nothing. Carlos: Its your money! Alex: (bumps into Dwight) Oh, excuse me! Dwight: (stops her) My little brother likes you. Alex: That's nice. (tries to get by) Dwight: He wants to dance with you. Alex: Sorry. I'm not dancing now. Dwight: That's too damn bad. He wants to dance with you so you are going to dance. Walker: (comes up) Let her go. Dwight: This ain't your business, cowboy! Walker: She's with me so its my business. Let her go. Dwight: What if I said if you don't get your butt over there I will kick your cowboy butt over there? Walker: I say let's start kicking! Dwight: Really? Walker: Uh huh. Alex: Walker. Just let go! (Dwight had grabbed her arm) Dwight: Ain't that cute? Let's get it on. Walker: Stand back, Alex. Dwight: Oh, no. Cowboy and the choirboys. (Trent and Carlos walk over to the group) Sheriff: All right, enough! Can't you boys come to town without causing trouble? Dwight: You're lucky, Cowboy, the sheriff came when he did. My thing about luck is it can change. Let's get out of this dump! (Dwight and his friends leave) Sheriff: Tom Chandler. Walker: Cordell Walker, Texas Rangers. This is Assistant District Attorney Alex Cahill, Trent Malloy and Carlos Sandoval. Sheriff: (shakes hands) Nice to meet you. Walker: Who were those guys? Sheriff: Trammel brothers. Dwight, Buddy and Luke. Trivette: Do they live here? Sheriff: Live at home. Word is they got a cabin somewhere in the woods; never seen it. Its booby trapped and they don't think twice about shooting a trespasser. Alex: I don't want to run into them again. Sheriff: I'll keep an eye out til you leave. Walker: I appreciate it, Sheriff. (they break up) Trent: Come on. I want a rematch! Carlos: That man's a glutton for punishment. (says to Trivette) Woman: Come on, I thought you were going to tell me about Bonnie and Clyde. Trivette: Septic tank. Alex: What did you do? (looks at Walker, amused) Walker: I didn't do anything! Alex: Ha, ha. Woman: (drags Trivette with her) Let's go talk at the table. (the next morning as they are set to leave) Alex: So, anybody want a cup of coffee before we take off? Carlos: That'd be great, Alex. Trent: No, thank you. Trivette: I want a non-fat half-caf, half decaf-latte. Alex: Jimmy! Trivette: What? Use your imagination because you know I don't like regular coffee. Dwight: (follows Alex on her way back to the group) All my little brother wanted was just one dance. But you couldn't do that, could you? Alex: Excuse me. My friends are waiting for me. Dwight: Well, they're going to have to keep waiting because last time was just a dance. He decided he wants something more permanent. (as Dwight grabs her, she screams and throws the tray of coffee at him. Dwight holds unto her) Hold her! Luke: I'm trying! Settle down and relax, filly. Ha ha ha! Sheriff: (comes up to them) Let her go, Dwight. Dwight: You won't do this Sheriff! Sheriff: Just let her go! Dwight: You heard him boys! (throws knife at the sheriff, killing him) Go on, let's get out of here! (run into the woods) Trivette: I wonder what's keeping Alex. Walker: She's probably looking for your non-fat latte. Trivette: Very funny. Walker: I'll go look for her. Trivette: I don't want to hear anything from the Peanut gallery! Walker: (finds the sheriff dead and has a flashback) Walker: Who are those guys? Sheriff: Trammel brothers. Rumor has it they've got a cabin up in the mountains. I've never seen it. (end of flashback) (in the woods) Alex: Let me go! Put me down! Dwight: You might be pretty but I hear if you don't pull your own weight you're nothing but a hothouse flower in the mountains. Those kind of flowers don't last long. You shut up and keep up! (the group joins Walker) Trivette: What happened? Walker: Trammels. Trivette: What? Walker: They killed the sheriff and took Alex. (in the woods) Alex: I think you should know I'm the Assistant District Attorney for Tarrant County in Texas. Dwight: No kidding? You know, I've never had a district attorney before. Alex: You're not listening to me. If we turn around now, I could talk to--. (Dwight punches her in the stomach) Dwight: Lesson number two: when I want something out of you I beat it out of you. Come on! (down the trail aways) Trent: (sees their footprints in the dirt) You'd think they'd be more careful about disguising their trail. Walker: They don't worry about us. Trivette: That's one mistake. Walker: No, the first mistake was taking Alex. (up the trail) Dwight: (coming to the cabin) Leo! We got stuff! Leo: (comes out of cabin) Easy, boys, easy. One hundred percent Wasatch Plateau Marijuana. (looks around at the drugs and then at Alex) You got quite a cutie there. How much do you want for her? Luke: Not for sale. Leo: Dwight, we're talking lifetime supply of wacky weed for that. Dwight: You heard my brother. She ain't for sale. Leo: Be that way. You know it might just get to a point when the weed is not for sale. Dwight: Listen, Leo. We get tired of her, she's yours. Leo: Deal. Dwight: Hey, put your heads up about something. There's four guys following us and might come this way. Leo: If they come this way, they won't be following you anymore. Dwight: Good. Let's go! (they leave the cabin) (Walker, Trivette, Trent and Carlos are walking and Leo's men spot them) Man: Hold it! (they aim their guns on the four and they put their hands up and are led to the cabin, where Leo greets them) Carlos: Look at all this marijuana. Leo: I say that drug education's been a failure. You guys made a mistake coming after the Trammel brothers. Now you're going to die for it! Walker: How far ahead are they? Leo: Now why would you want to know that? Walker: Just curious. Wondering how close we are to catching up with them. Leo: They came through a half-hour ago. Satisfied? Walker: Where is the cabin located? Leo: Can you believe this? Instead of begging for his life he wants to know where the cabin is. Walker: You're going to kill us anyway. What's the difference? Leo: Its in a little valley, south side of the mountain. Is there anything else you want to know before I kill you? Walker: Can't think of anything. (turns) How about you guys? Carlos: Good here! Trent: No. Trivette: Nope. (the four suddenly attack the villains and beat them up) Carlos: (as they're tying the men up to the trees) Well, now you guys know why they call the stuff dope! Man: Come on! Too tight, its cutting me up! (trying to get loose from the tree and rope) Leo: Are you guys just going to leave us here? I mean, when the Trammels kill you, who's going to let us go? Come on! (at the top of a hill) Dwight: Come here! (looks through binoculars at the bottom of the trail) That cowboy's better than I thought. Put on a little surprise for him and his friends! (bottom of the trail) Walker: They're not far ahead of us. (top of the hill) Dwight: But no law means anything out here - laws are violent. Alex: When Walker gets through, you're going to wish you didn't survive. Dwight: Smart mouth of yours is going to be real painful! (working with Leo on setting a trap) Yeah, snug it. Snug it out right there. All right, okay, yeah! Rocks'll get them right in the face. They'll never know what hit them! Get out of my way! Come on, let's go! (at the bottom of the trail) (Carlos trips on a stick, which is for the booby trap and it releases the large rocks) Walker: Watch it! (shoves Carlos aside and Trivette tries to get to the side but is struck in the chest by a big rock and tumbles down the hill and lays flat on the ground, unmoving) Trivette: (as the guys race after him and gently turn him over) Okay, anybody see the license plate of the truck that hit me? Walker: (examining him) You may have some broken ribs. Trivette: You may be right; it hurts when I breathe. Carlos: Sorry about that Trivette. It ought to be me lying there. Trivette: Forget about it. Get me up! (they pull him to his feet) Walker: All right, easy now. All right? How do you feel? Trivette: I think I can walk. Walker: Carlos, get Trivette down the path. Trent and I will go after Alex. Carlos: (takes Trivette's arm) You got it? Trivette: Okay. Carlos: Okay? (he stumbles a little) Trivette: I think so. Let's go. (Squats for a moment) (arriving at the cabin) Dwight: Sally, Vanessa, get out here! (the two women come out of the cabin clad in plain dresses) Take her inside. Make her presentable. Now! (they take Alex and lead her into the cabin) (wading through a stream) Trent: Which way should we go? (Walker points forward) (inside of cabin) Alex: What happened to you? (as the two fix her up in a plain dress) > Sally: I was a waitress at a truck stop in Salt Lake. Dwight asked me for a drink and then I was put in the back of a pickup. Alex: How long have you been here? Sally: Two years. Alex: Two years? Vanessa: This'll do. Alex: What are you talking about? How can you let them treat you like this? Sally: Do exactly what they tell you. Alex: Do exactly what they tell you? I'm not doing anything they tell me! Vanessa: Shh, they might hear you. Alex: I don't care if they hear me! Sally: Its because you don't know what they're capable of. Alex: I'm not going to find out because I'm not staying. Haven't you tried to escape? Sally: Yes. (they untie their dresses on at the back and show Alex their scars) Alex: Oh, my god! (down the hill) Trivette: Carlos, gotta stop a minute. Carlos: You all right? Got it! (Trivette stumbles to the ground and Carlos catches him by the arm) Whoa! Hey! Hey! Hey! (Trivette coughs) Its your lung. You must have punctured it. Trivette: Thank you Dr. Sandoval. Carlos: You shouldn't move. You need help. (sets off) (at the cabin) Dwight: (admires Alex's dress: Yeah, look at you! More like it! Look at this! Alex: Glad you approve. Dwight: Did well after all. But you're going to take that ring off. Alex: Go to hell! (Dwight grabs her and takes the ring off) > Dwight: Go in there and fix some food! (Walker and Trent continue on as Carlos is running down the hillside) (at the cabin) Sally: (Alex is getting ready to jump out the window) What are you doing? Alex: Getting out of here. Sally: You can't! Vanessa: You know what they'll do if they catch you. Alex: I know what they will do but they won't catch me. I will bring help. I promise. Vanessa: (whispers) Good luck! (Alex climbs out the window) Man: (spots Alex running) Hey! (another man jumps out from behind a tree and shouts Boo!) Dwight: (finally grabs Alex) I will teach you can't run away. (takes her and ties her to a tree) (in the woods) Walker: (spots an bow) Watch it! (an arrow barely misses Trent's head) Trent: Close one. Thanks. Walker: We're getting closer! Trent: I can't wait. (at the cabin) Dwight: Rip her dress! (getting set with a whip) Walker: Come and get me! Dwight: I've had enough of this cowboy and friends! Go! I'll finish when I get back! (Trent begins to fight and takes away a gun and breaks it against a tree) Walker: (as Dwight picks up a gun) Drop it, Trammel! Dwight: (drops it) Okay, cowboy. How's you and me, huh? Mano y mano. Don't even look at me, boy! (yells at Trent) But you-you bad. You, Texas Ranger. Come on killer. Get you some! Walker: Here, Trent. (hands him gun) He deserves a beating! Trent: Sure does! Dwight: Sure, come get one baby! Trent: Ask for it, he got it! Walker: Watch! (they fight and he beats Dwight up and Dwight's laying on the ground) Let's get Alex. (goes over, unties her and hugs her as she cries joyfully) > (the hill where Trivette's laying) (a helicopter comes and Carlos leaps out, then goes over to Trivette) Trivette: What took you so long? Remember my latte? Dwight: (tied up) What do you want? (Alex comes over to him and takes ring out of his shirt pocket) Bitch! (she gives him a good slap across the face) (at the hospital) Trivette: The doctor says I'll be good in no time. Alex: Great, Jimmy! Trivette: (looks at Alex) Hey, how are you doing? Alex: I'm okay. Now the Trammel brothers are in jail and Sally and Vanessa are back with their families. Trent: I can't imagine what they went through. Trivette: What about the farmers? Carlos: Well, Trent called it in. Trent: I didn't call. Why would I call? I thought you called. Carlos: No, I didn't call it in. Trivette: Ugh, if no one called it in.... (thunder sounds and it begins to pour) Carlos: Ah, who's going to call that in now? Walker: Tell ya what, we'll flip for the morning. Sorry, hurts to laugh? (looks at Jimmy while they continue to laugh) |
Copyright © March 1998-1999 Jen Smithers - All Rights Reserved