Miss America Party Page

Contestants Continued

Meet Miss Arkansas
You can take the girl from the state, but you can't take the state from the girl. Miss Arkansas thrilled judges and audience members alike with her rousing baton twirling routine to an early 80's megamix. Look for black stockings and bone-toned flats to make a big come back in '99.
Meet Miss North Carolina
As you can see, Miss North Carolina came to the pageant with the generous support of the brassire and brown sock industies. With the old adage, "Straps give support," Miss NC took a huge risk by not using duck tape or adhesive glue.

Meet Miss Virginia
Miss Viginia showed up three hours late for the pageant, arriving just in time to pick up a banner and drink down the dreges of the champagne. Missing the talent portion, Sara relied soley on fate and her sense of innate style for her competitive edge.

Who will the winner be? 1