August 30
DITTO. DITTO. DITTO. I am so tired. It is hard for me to think.
I have been in such a bad mood all day. Mom is getting to where she sleeps an hour,
then she is up for two or three, then back to sleep again. I really need
to get some sleep. I look like Mr. Munster. I think I'll sleep today
while she is sleeping in the chair, better than nothing hey.
August 31
I actually got some sleep last night, about 4hrs. I gave mom one
Melatonin and it helped her get sleepy. I am taking her to the doctor
Tuesday for a check up, hopefully he can do something. I believe mom
has entered a new stage. Her eyes are very glassey and vacant, her speech
has become slurred and at times inaudable, her gait is very unstable,
she steps as though she is walking yet her feet don't move until
perhaps the third or fourth movement, like waving back and forth
then she will take a 1/2 step, she eats but, seems to chew the
food very little and very slowly, she is choking alot!, on air, water, saliva, she has begun to
droole often, her back hurts her without having been injured, this
leads me to think she may have a UTI or bladder infection again although
her urine doesn't indicate it. She does have osteoporosis which
has not produced pain before. She doesn't have a temperature and
says she feels fine except for her back. It is so hard to know with
any certainty when she is sick because more often than not, she just
doesn't know when she is and can't verbalize it.
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