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Case 1Proximal Humeral Fracture:

Dear colleagues.

I would like to have your opinions about following case: 48 y.o. man which sustain injure of the head and left shoulder 14 days ago. He has an intracranial haematoma , fracture of the mandible and four part fracture-dislocation of the left shoulder. There isn't any data for neurovascular involvement. Since patient's general condition the shoulder injury was left untreated (only Desault bandage) in the Hospital in which the emergency procedures ware perform. He had Craniotomia punctiformis with evacuatio higromatis at 21 of May. Mandible fracture also was syntesed. The fracture-dislocation of the shoulder is with marked metaphiseal comminution and is difficult to treat. Now the patient general condition is stable. I would like to ask you:

1. What is the time to perform Open Reduction with Internal fixation of the humeral bone?

2. What kind of fixation would you prefer in this case ?

3. If left untreated what is better in this case - prosthetic implantation or arthrodesis as a secondary procedure?

Thank you in advance.

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