President’s Message

Greetings fellow AORN members.

Fall is in the air and the news media barely recovered from the coverage of the Olympics. is now focusing on the national party canventions and the final push for the election of a new President. Both parties have healthcare reform and acces to coverage aas part of their platforms. What new changes will result and how will it affect the quality of the care we provide to perioperative patients? As healthcare professionals, we must be aware of what the issues are and porvide knowlegeable input to our legislators to make key decisions.

As AORN members, we are members of a powerful national collective of perioperative registered nurses. Membership provides acess to numerous resources including a Website with legislative updates, safety initiatives and clinical experts. But AORN is only as strong as the local chapters which provide its vase, the grassroots fo the organization. Participation and involvement at the local level is essential to maintain the support of national professional goals.

The Contra Costa Chapter#503 holds three fall and three spring meetings each year for a total of six chapter meetings each year. The 2008-09 schedule begins in September, and is followed by meetings in October and November. Taking December off for Christmas, the meeting schedule is resumed January, February and April 2009. AORN Congress will be held in Chicago, Illinois from March 14-19,2009 so there is no regular chapter meeting that month. During the summer, the rest of the members get a break while the Ways and Means committee works on the fall golf tournament fund raiser and the next thing you know, it's September again!

Make plans now to attend at least one fall and one spring chapter meeting. It's just not enought to pay your dues so you can call yourself a member of AORN. Your local chapter needs your strength, voice and input now, even more so with healthcare changes looming ahead. You will be rewarded by the newtorking support of your local perioperative nurse peers and enriched by the satisfaction of being a part of a great organization. GET INVOLVED, MAKE A CHANGE! I'm looking forward to seeing many of you soon.

Diane Graham RN, CNS, CNOR
President CCC AORN 2008-09

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