Church of
Saint Peter Apostle

Cristo del Otero (Iglesia de San Pedro)
Of the romanic building it only remains the entrance, of second half of century XII, opened in the wall of the Gospel. The present building is of modest construction, with robust pillars of brick, covers with vaults.

The greater altarpiece and the 4 collateral altarpieces are of good quality and recharged baroque style. All keep uniformity, dated at the beginning of the XVIII century. They show sculptures of Tomás de Sierra. The Apostle presides over in chair the greater altarpiece, with the "tiara" in the head and carrying a cross with three crosspieces.

The baptismal font is relatively modern, possibly of the XVIII century.

Over the baptistry is the tribune of the organ, supported by an arc in the side of the gospel. The organ is from the XVIII century, in Rococo style. It has not been played for 50 years. This organ replaced another previous one, that existed in 1598 (there was an organist) and that apparently was sold in 1630, according to the "Libro de Visitas" of the parish.

Portada románica (s. XII) de la iglesia de San Pedro


Organo. Iglesia de San Pedro Vista de la nave central desde el coro San Pedro, presidiendo el Altar Mayor

In the rectoral house were kept two procesionales crosses (now they are in the Bishopric) of silver, from the churches of San Pedro and San Juan; both of century XVII, chiselled by the same hand.

Documents about the church of San Pedro

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