Date:                         Sun 20 Aug 2006.   Third LSD of base building for Putrajaya Half and covers over 21k (Muahaha!)

Target:                      21.25 km = 17 laps Damai at 5:1 ratio, target pace 10:00 per lap

Actual:                      21.25 km = 17 laps Damai at 5:1 except final lap nonstop.

Timing:                                   lap km     split km  lap time  split time

                                   Lap 1    1.25         1.25         10:06       10:06

                                   Lap 2    1.25         2.5           10:01       20:06

                                   Lap 3    1.25         3.75         9:11         29:17

                                   Lap 4    1.25         5              9:39         38:57

                                   Lap 5    1.25         6.25         9:14         48:11

                                   Lap 6    1.25         7.5           9:31         57:41

                                   Lap 7    1.25         8.75         9:30         1:07:11

                                   Lap 8    1.25         10            9:03         1:16:14

                                   Lap 9    1.25         11.25       9:35         1:25:49

                                   Lap 10  1.25         12.5         9:00         1:34:49

                                   Lap 11  1.25         13.75       9:40         1:44:29

                                   Lap 12  1.25         15            9:17         1:53:46

                                   Lap 13  1.25         16.25       9:41         2:03:27

                                   Lap 14  1.25         17.5         9:53         2:13:20

                                   Lap 15  1.25         18.75       9:23         2:22:43

                                   Lap 16  1.25         20            09:54.1    2:32:37

                                   Lap 17  1.25         21.25       08:29.1    2:41:06

Pace:                         7:35/ km average, 5 seconds/km slower than last week’s LSD.  (Note need 7:09/km for 2:30 21k)

Time of run:             6:20 am

Route:                       Damai loop.

Weather:                  Strong cool winds from southwest, but high RH.  Cloudy, looks like rain.  Drizzled a tad at one point.

Calburn:                    1481 approx

Postrun Wt:             Dunno

Shoes:                       Brooks Vantage 2.  Accumulated = 252 km.

Mindtune:                Mas Que Nada.


Comments:  Dunno, for some reason there was little motivation for this run.  Overworked, overtrained, overcarboed, burnout, or what.  Didn’t get to run Sat because of wifey’s am work commitments.  So, postponed it to Sun.  In the process, overcarboed a lot Sat Sun to the point that couldn’t unload in time for run.  Then Sat night got to bed only at 1:30 am, and slept only 4 hours to wake up at 5:30 am


The run itself was uneventful.  Just ran, trying to keep to below 10 mins per lap.  Thanks to overcarbo, stomach gave problems:  high pressure,  gas, discomfort, etc, but run was slow enough to avoid the dreaded Demonic Side Stitch.  I wasn’t really concerned about the timing, because I was worried about the LSD half marathon attempt with the stomach problems, low motivation, possibility of rain, etc, etc.  Deliberately avoided the Shakira mindtune, because know that I tend to speed up with Shakira’s fast tempo.  But then even sticking with a leisurely MasQueNada, looks like the tempo is still rather high. 


Postrun:   Tired.  Really tired at the point of depletion.  Worse than all the actual Half Marathons this year.  In fact, dozed off several times during the day with little effort.  Even now writing this (at postrun + 1 day) felt like want to doze off.


Postrun + 1 day:  forgot to take morning heart rate, but still felt tired.  Quads sore.  The exception is that biceps was not sore like last week.   Overall, no real or serious injury (good!).


Postrun + 2days:  morning heart rate 67?  Remains high at 10am close to 70.  Not enough rest?  Supposed to do 7k this evening, maybe need to reduce to 5k.  Took higher dose of vitC.


Characters:    The usual uncle with the dog, uncle with the umbrella & Pakcik Guard, et al.