Date: Sunday 19 Nov 2006
Target: 20 km @ 6:1 ratio, 10 mins per lap pace target 2nd LSD post raya.
Actual: 20 km @ 6:1 ratio, last lap non-stop
Segment lap km split km lap time split time Remarks
Damai Lap 1 1.25 1.25 9:57 0:09:57
Damai Lap 2 1.25 2.5 9:12 0:19:09
Damai Lap 3 1.25 3.75 9:16 0:28:26
Damai Lap 4 1.25 5 9:19 0:37:45
Damai Lap 5 1.25 6.25 8:59 0:46:44
Damai Lap 6 1.25 7.5 8:59 0:55:43
Damai Lap 7 1.25 8.75 9:17 1:04:59
Damai Lap 8 1.25 10 8:51 1:13:50
Damai Lap 9 1.25 11.25 8:58 1:22:48
Damai Lap 10 1.25 12.5 9:10 1:31:57
Damai Lap 11 1.25 13.75 8:55 1:40:52
Damai Lap 12 1.25 15 9:13 1:50:05
Damai Lap 13 1.25 16.25 8:42 1:58:47 *** PR 13 laps
Damai Lap 14 1.25 17.5 9:48 2:08:36 *** PR 14 laps
Damai Lap 15 1.25 18.75 8:59 2:17:34 *** PR 15 laps
Damai Lap 16 1.25 20 7:54 2:25:29 *** PR 20k
Pace: 7:16 min/km
Time of run: 6:25 am.
Route: Damai Loop
Weather: Cloudy. High RH, breeze from north.
Calburn: 1413 est
Postrun wt: 150 thereabouts.
Shoes: Brookes Vantage 2, accum 413km
Mindtune: Shakira, World Cup version
Comments: Excellent run. Multiple PRs. Whaddaya expect, run ratio increase to 6:1 what. At the end of it still manage to squeeze da juice and turbo to the finish, finishing in a sub-8 min lap (never happened before). Timing could have been faster if I had not jogged along with one of the residents of the Taman that I barely knew. He was jogging with his son. Another thing... Was wearing the Seremban Half t-shirt. Hehehe... So people now should realize "Oh so that's what that crazy guy was up to". Haha..
Postrun: Tired but functional. Visitors at home today.
Postrun + 1 day: No problema.
Characters: Taman resident & son. A few ladies with doggies.
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