Date: Wednesday 20 Dec 2006
Target: 10 km
Actual: 10 km
Segment lap km split km lap time split time Remarks
Tesco End 1 1 7:52 7:52
Two-Trees 1 2 7:25 15:18
Jetty End 1.5 3.5 9:54 25:12
Two-Trees 1.5 5 10:09 35:20
Tesco End 1 6 7:17 42:37
Two-Trees 1 7 7:28 50:05
Jetty End 1.5 8.5 10:19 1:0:24
Two-Trees 1.5 10 11:06 1:11:30
Pace: 7:09 min/km. Not bad
Time of run: 6:05 pm
Route: Udini Two-trees
Weather: Drizzle at first then stopped. Cloudy & high RH. High winds from North-east. Return trip from Jetty End facing the head wind.
Calburn: 697 est
Postrun wt: 148.
Shoes: Brookes Vantage 2, accum ?km
Mindtune: Hips Dun Lie, World cup version
Comments: At last, another udini 10k, mainly because early exit (TechSymp 2006). Long time coming.
Postrun: Depleted after yesterday's 7k. Legs sore, but doesn't look like any injuries. No trace of left leg calf/knee pain from weekend Damai LSD attemp.
Characters: Some secondary school kids mainly. It's cuti sekolah.
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