Date: Sat 6 Jan 2007
Target: 19 laps Damai LSD at 6:1 run:walk ratio
Actual: 18.25 laps Damai LSD at 6:1 run:walk ratio. Crashed on final lap!
Segment lap km split km lap time split time Remarks
Damai Lap 1 1.25 1.25 9:58 9:58
Damai Lap 2 1.25 2.5 9:28 19:26
Damai Lap 3 1.25 3.75 9:50 29:16
Damai Lap 4 1.25 5 9:15 38:32
Damai Lap 5 1.25 6.25 9:13 47:45
Damai Lap 6 1.25 7.5 9:35 57:20
Damai Lap 7 1.25 8.75 8:57 1:06:17
Damai Lap 8 1.25 10 9:05 1:15:22
Damai Lap 9 1.25 11.25 9:28 1:24:50
Damai Lap 10 1.25 12.5 9:12 1:34:02
Damai Lap 11 1.25 13.75 8:55 1:42:57
Damai Lap 12 1.25 15 8:51 1:51:48
Damai Lap 13 1.25 16.25 9:19 2:01:07
Damai Lap 14 1.25 17.5 9:09 2:10:16
Damai Lap 15 1.25 18.75 8:54 2:19:10
Damai Lap 16 1.25 20 9:13 2:28:23
Damai Lap 17 1.25 21.25 8:54 2:37:17 *** PR 18 laps!
Damai Lap 18 1.25 22.5 9:19 2:46:36 *** PR 19 laps!
Pace: 7:24 min/km.
Time of run: 6:30 am
Route: Damai Lap
Weather: Moderate RH, slow breeze from north, getting sunny & hot towards the end.
Calburn: 1579 est.
Postrun wt: 14x lbs according to the low-tech scales
Shoes: Brookes Vantage 2, accum km donno anymore
Mindtune: Beyonce's "2 da left (squared)". Funny, slow mindtune but fast run.


This was gonna be the final big one before tapering off for GE20k, so I initially planned for a 19-lapper, and ambitiously targeted the last two laps to be ran non-stop. Haha!!

Anyway, it was another good LSD. Again, like last week, the miauw2 followed me for about 900m (further than last week) before giving up. I didn't want to push it at first because of the previous depletion run on Thursday, so just kept it at a managable pace. So, the first lap is the usual 10 mins warmup. Then it started to gradually speed up. Since this is a 6:1 run:walk, some laps there was only one walk break, some laps two. A pattern emerged: two fast laps followed by a slower lap. The fast laps were always doing sub 9:30, and towards the end even hit sub 9:00. Anyway, at the end, after lap 15, it got really-really mental. My brain is telling me "when is this gonna stop". I just try to trick it into running "just one more lap" and somehow it worked. Even on lap 17 I was doing a sub-9 (which was unthinkable two months back).

However, it got really hot towards the end, sun was not on my side, and I didn't carbo load enough the previous nite, and got dehydrated (ran out of water after 15k). Lap 18 was supposed to be a non-stop lap, but I still took a walk break, felt that had to conserve energy for last final non-stop lap 19. But it was not to be. Mein nerves at mein fingertips were tingling. Nausea came. My mind was going all over the place. Quarter of the way into lap-19, I decided to listen to my body. Enough! I didn't want a repeat of "Two-Hills Too Soon". The signs of heat-exhaustion were obvious. So it was a frustrated walk back to base. And I thanked myself for the decision. All the way back to base I felt like I wanted to hurl. And reaching base, during mein cool-down, I had a short "yellow-vision" moment (mein sign of passing out). So, again, it was a wise decision to stop.

So that's it. Very high mileage this week (two LSDs + one 7k = 50km). Next week will be an easy 15k before the GE20k Double-Hills-Hartamas attempt. And I need to remember to pose for my photo finish! Haha!

Postrun: Stretched. Mein calves were really tight & hard. While stretching, rehydrated furiously. Drank litres. Soon enough, recovered. No more nausea. Hungry! Had a good breakfast. For the rest of the day, surprisingly functional. Could even mow the lawn for another hour.
Characters: None that matter
Postrun +1d: No injuries!! Yaay! Totally recovered. Could do gardening, etc. But horrors! Going back to Penang, I forgot to bring mein running shoes, so no weekday runs this week!!!
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