My 1st Massage



If you have never experienced a professional massage you may have questions or concerns about what happens at a therapeutic massage session, or you may simply be curious. This page will give you a brief description of a typical first massage session.


When you arrive at my comfortable professional office for your first massage appointment you will fill out a short client intake form.  Based on the information you provide we'll be able to design a massage therapy session to address your specific needs.   During this time you'll be able to ask any questions about the massage session that you like, or express any concerns that haven't already been addressed.

Next, I will show you to my massage room and give you a brief explanation about how to make yourself ready for the massage.  I will leave the room and allow you to get ready privately.  Most people undress completely but if you are more comfortable wearing a swimsuit or undergarments you may do so. At all times during the massage you will be covered with a clean sheet, except for the area I am massaging.  During the massage you will be comfortably supported by the padded massage table, and bolsters or pillows. 

The Massage

Massage sessions typically last either one hour or one and 1/2 hours, depending on your preference and our goals for that session. There will be soft music playing during your massage to help create a peaceful, soothing atmosphere.

During a typical full-body relaxation massage session I will begin the massage with you lying on your back.  First there's a scalp massage, then your neck and shoulders are massaged using a specially formulated massage lotion. Next, I'll massage your arms and hands, then move to your feet and legs.   Once I finish with the front of your legs, I'll ask you to turn over onto your belly.  The massage session will continue with the backs of your legs, and finish with your back and shoulders. 

At all times I try to be sensitive to your preferences for more or less pressure in order to encourage a safe, healing, and profoundly relaxing experience.

After the massage, it is normal to feel quite relaxed. Some may need time to sit and relax before they are ready to drive.  Take your time.  Massage is a reliable means of reducing the effects of stress, relaxing and loosening tight muscles, reducing painful muscle spasms and chronic muscle tension, and relaxing and rejuvenating the whole body.

Once you've dressed, I'll bring you some water and we'll discuss your massage experience.  Then just pay for the massage and we're done....until next time.

Here are some tips to enhance your first massage experience:

Before Massage

If possible, schedule business or chores before your massage so the healing benefits of massage aren't disrupted
Avoid a eating a heavy meal 2 hours prior to the massage
Avoid any caffeine-related or alchohol containing beverages
Consider shaving to avoid unnecessary discomfort
Avoid strong colognes, perfumes or hairsprays
Arrive for the massage a few minutes early to complete the client intake form
Use the restroom prior to the massage
Minimize distractions by turning off phones, pagers, and other electronic devices

During Massage

Talking is welcomed, but silence may benefit you more
Feel free to advise the massage therapist of any discomfort or pain
Allow yourself to enjoy the feeling of the massage
Sleep if you want to, it's really ok

After Massage

Drink plenty of water
Relax, move around a bit
Limit strenuous activity for a while, just let yourself feel good
Enjoy living in, or visiting San Antonio

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