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Auto Immune Disorders

My main areas of expertise are the autoimmune disorders: Allergies, the various Arthritic diseases and Fybromyalgia types (Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Irritable Bowel Disorder, etc).

The physiological component is treated through changes in diet and environment. The psychological is treated with stress reduction techniques.

I urge clients to keep a journal to help them understand their own situations and the associated triggers specific for them. Later, we go after the retained stress which so many sufferers burden themselves with.

Most common in autoimmune disorders are the stress and tension levels caused by: chemicals in your environment, family and co-workers, getting to and from work, pain, disability, and from not being able to make ends meet if you are unemployed due to pain or disability. **

Imagine having a glass into which you pour your stress until you can deal with it. Eventually that glass becomes full and spills over. The physical symptoms of autoimmune disorders are that spilling over.

Your stress levels can sometimes be temporarily relieved by finding a sympathetic ear to listen to your problems. Your family or co-workers may take it easy on you, your diet too, can reduce the amount of clean up after a spill providing some nutrients for stress and some for repair. This frees up a little room for tomorrow. But, for the most part a person with autoimmune disorders has a glass that is always at the edge of being full. Never quiet getting ahead of the stress in their lives.

Stress robs your body by using essential nutrients which were destined for maintenance and repair. Now your body begins to attack itself. Your extremities are cannibalized to maintain the organs such as lungs and heart, kidneys and liver. Minerals are taken from joints and tendons. Muscles no longer relax or respond. Vitamins are no longer there to be used by your adrenals and other glands, so they are stuck in the "ON" position or totally depleted, over-burdened or fail from exhaustion.

Tension causes problems like elevating blood pressure. The blood rushes past so quickly the nutrients it carries are not transferred to where they are needed. As a child did you ever stick your head out a car window and try to take a breath? The pressure and speed of the wind were too much for your lungs. You had to pull your head back into the car to take that breath.

Your cells are suffocating! The same is true for your kidneys. What blood that does enter your capillaries exerts so much force the capillaries can rupture. Your kidneys can no longer clean out the debris and toxins. This sets you up for allergic reactions to your foods and environment.

Reduce the stress, free up the nutrients, make the repairs.

Once we've helped you learn how to keep your glass from overflowing we can then go in and start emptying your glass. In future you will have more room to dump the stress until you find an appropriate time to empty it.

Once your glass is empty and you are dealing with stress in a more successful manner the nutrients in your diet will go where they are needed, for repair and maintenance.

Can we help you empty your glass?

** (If you are unemployed due to pain and or disability let us know and we will arrange a "by donation" payment for you. Pay what you can, or perhaps trade word of mouth advertising for us. We will not hold your health hostage due to finances.)

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