Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jin Shin has the ability to heal deeply, often going back and healing deep, buried emotional scars that one was unaware of but that had been causing physical symptoms. Jin Shin can be used for anything from acute pain to simply a treat for relaxation. Jin Shin and Reiki are empowering. Ultimately each person heals themselves. The practitioner simply facilitates the healing. Although not a substitute for a Physician's advice, Jin Shin and Reiki work well with traditional medicine and enhances its results. Energy healing works on symptoms and their causes. Relieve stress and increase relaxation Jin Shin and Reiki are non-invasive. They work through clothing, even casts Jin Shin Sessions - What to expect A one hour energy healing session is wonderfully relaxing and rejuvenating for body, mind and spirit.
Reiki and other forms of energy healing are combined with Jin Shin to better suite each client's particular needs. Improvement usually occurs after only 1 session, although repeated sessions may be required for chronic conditions Our bodies are designed to heal. Jin Shin and Reiki are used to return the body and mind to harmony. Self help energy work is taught to further maintain stress reduction and optimal health.
Guided Meditation For those who wish, guided relaxation in the form of meditation can be added to your energy treatment. Meditation enhances the effects of the energy work. Clients are encouraged to fully participate in their own healing. During the relaxation, the body is able to work more effectively. When we get our mind out of the way, organs and systems are better able to function properly, as they were designed to do. Meditation combined with Energy Healing, can create a beautifully powerful experience that opens your mind to your own possibilities and the wonders of the universe. Workshops Available
Please call for brochure or visit www.HealingAdvantage.com for a complete list of workshops and further details.