Most of us feel secure that tomorrow will present itself with very few problems just like the day before. We wake up in the morning, refreshed, ready to take on the world, or grumpy and wishing the snooze button would last a little longer while hitting it again.
We assume that the next day will be like the day before, and the afternoon will be like the morning. There exists a little known group of the human population who donŐt know if tomorrow will be like days past, or if noontime will be the same as sunrise.
Uncertainty combined with symptoms that have no known cause, no known cure or means of prevention, and no predictable progression holds a terrifying situation that faces every person confronted with the disease called Multiple Sclerosis.
Welcome to the infinte line
This web site is my portfolio of research done the fall
semmester of 1998 at Heartland Community College.
Please understand that the information
published within these pages are all referenced and
cited to other sources. I am not an experton the
medical conditions of patients suffering from
Multiple Sclerosis nor am I saying that I am qualified
as such. I am only a student writing a paper.