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Using Global Positional System to Measure Earthquakes


Global Positional System (GPS) devices are used to monitor and record data of the movement of the Earth's crust due to earthquakes.  GPS satellites provide signals that can be used by a GPS receiver to compute position, velocity and time.  The position and velocity of ground movements can be gather by tracking embedded GPS devices in the Earth’s crust.  GPS earthquake systems do not gather information about vibrations on the ground; they gather information about ground displacement due to an earthquake.  Several GPS earthquake systems are in place around the world specially areas with high seismic activity.  An example of GPS earthquake system is SCING, the Southern California Integrated GPS Network, that is designed to monitor ground movement caused by the San Andreas Fault and other faults in the LA Basin.



The Global Positional System (GPS) can be used to measure vertical and horizontal movements of the Earth’ crust.  GPS devices are used to monitor and record data of the movement of the Earth's crust due to earthquakes.  The data helps in creating maps that show how fast and in what direction the crust is moving due to plate and fault movement.  Earthquake monitoring with GPS is already in use in places like Japan, Mexico, Canada and the United States.  An example of GPS earthquake technology is SCING, the Southern California Integrated GPS Network, that is designed to produce detailed information about ground movements in Southern California.  GPS in earthquake analysis can help in determining which areas are at greater risk of earthquake damage.  This technology can be used in conjunction with other earthquake analysis technologies to reduce damage to buildings, freeways and homes, and to improve emergency preparedness and response.  GPS systems, measurement of earthquakes with GPS, and use of GPS earthquake systems in the world and specifically in Southern California will be explained in the following sections.



The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system made up of a network of twenty-four satellites orbiting the earth.  The satellites provide signals that can be used by a GPS receiver to compute position, velocity and time.  GPS has a wide range of military, consumer and commercial applications.  GPS is used in transportation navigation, remote monitoring, environmental analysis and other positioning and navigational services.    



Earthquakes can be monitored by using GPS devices that are placed in different locations in the Earth’s crust.  If segments of the Earth move, the embedded GPS devices located in that segment will move as well.  The position and velocity of ground movements can be gather by tracking the embedded GPS devices.  GPS earthquake analysis does not measure shaking magnitude; it only provides information about ground displacement and velocity.  GPS earthquake technology is used all over the world specially in places with frequent seismic activity.  Several GPS earthquake technologies are used in the United States.  For example in California we have the Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) that is constantly tracking the ground movement and posting the data on their website. 


How can GPS measure earthquake activity?

Several methodologies have been developed to analyze earthquakes.  One method is the analysis of the energy release in an earthquake by measuring the amount of shaking of the ground.  Seismographs are instruments that can accurately measure this vibration in the ground.  Another method is by examining the total displacement of the ground after an earthquake.  GPS devices are used to measures the total amount of displacement by recording the position of the ground layers before and after an earthquake.  A correlation exist between the displacement of the ground and the magnitude of the earthquake.  By using the correlation a GPS earthquake system can measure the size of an earthquake (Glasscoe).


Limitations of GPS in earthquake measurements

GPS technologies used in earthquake analysis do not measure the amount of shaking in the ground.  The data gather from the devices is collected at certain intervals of time.  The time interval may be longer than the duration of an earthquake so collection of data from shaking of the ground is not possible using this technique.  The data collected at larger time intervals has grater accuracy when using GPS devices.  Because shorter time intervals introduce greater percent error in the analysis of the earthquake, GPS devices are not used to measure vibrations during an earthquake (Glasscoe).  The limitation of a GPS system is that it can not gather data of ground movement during an earthquake, but it can be used with a seismograph to obtain a better picture of earthquake behavior.  Seismographs are designed to make accurate readings of ground vibrations.


GPS earthquake systems in the World

GPS plays an important role in earthquake study in areas of high seismic activity.  Countries like Japan and the United States count with sophisticated system that report GPS data instantaneously through the internet.  GPS stations continue to grow as the GPS technology and software keeps improving.  Japan went from 110 stations in 1994 to 1000 in 1997 (Sagiya).  In the Western North America there are hundreds of stations covering earthquakes from Alaska to Mexico.  GPS sites continue to expand throughout the world given a better picture of ground movement with respect to time.  Figure 1 shows the velocity of tectonic plates around the world.  The velocities were calculated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology.  They used data compiled from different GPS systems located around the world (GPS Time Series).


GPS earthquake systems in Southern California

Several GPS earthquake monitoring systems are located in California due to the high seismic activity.  The major system is the Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) that is composed of more than 250 stations.  Figure 2 shows a map of the location of the SCIGN stations.  SCIGN is an array of GPS stations distributed throughout Southern California used to monitor ground movement caused by the San Andreas Fault and other faults in the LA Basin.  The devices are able to detect movement in the millimeter scale.  SCIGN provides regional coverage in Southern California for estimating earthquake potential, for identifying thrust faults, for discovering variations of strain rates and for measurement of crustal deformation.  Some of these measurements can not be detected by conventional earthquake measuring techniques so SCIGN provides a tool to further analyze the mechanical properties of faults.  The data and analysis produced by SCIGN stations is available for free at the SCIGN website.  The number of SCIGN stations keeps growing as well as the GPS earthquake technology that will allow SCIGN to provide improvements in analysis of earthquake behavior in Southern California (Hudnut).



Although GPS earthquake systems do not analyze the magnitude of an earthquake, they do a better job in tracking the displacement of the Earth’s crust compare to conventional earthquake measuring technologies.  GPS earthquake technology has been also used in monitoring the integrity of structures by embedding GPS devices in them.  GPS earthquake systems are not a substitute for conventional earthquake technologies; they are an additional tool to better understand earthquake behavior.  GPS earthquake systems will become more useful with expanding stations and improvements in GPS technology.




Glasscoe, Maggi, et al.  “Using GPS to Measure Earthquakes.”

The Southern California Integrated GPS Network Education Module.

 September 8, 1998.  May 23, 2004



GPS Time Series.  Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  May 23, 2004. 

< http://sideshow.jpl.nasa.gov/mbh/series.html>.


Hudnut, Kenneth, et al.  Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN)

April 2001.  May 23, 2004 <http://www.fig.net/com6_orange/pdf/Session%20IV_Paper%201.pdf/>.


Sagiya, Takeshi.  Continuous GPS Array of Japan and its Application

to Crustal Activity Modeling.”  Geographical Survey Institute, Tsukuba

 May 23, 2004




Last Updated: 6/1/2004

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