Lab 3 Report
This laboratory assignment consist of a Verilog model for
an up/down counter, implement it using the XC4010XL chip,
assign I/0 pin assignment, generate the bit-pattern
configuration file, and use XS40 board to verify the
functionality. The up/down counter's inputs include
reset, clock signal driven by 12Mhz oscillator, and a
3-bit control signal. The outputs are the 7-segment LED
displays. This finite state machine capable of counting
up or down sequence depending on the 3-bit control
signal. The control signals are tabulated below:
000 No count Hold counter at 5 (display 5)
001 UP from 1 to 9 Up counter
010 UP form 3 to B every alternate UP counter skipping
even numbers
011 UP from 2 to B every alternate UP counter skipping
odd numbers
100 Down from F to 3 Down counter
101 Down from 9 to 1 every alternate Down counter
skipping even numbers
110 Down from C to 0 every alternate Down counter
skipping odd numbers
111 Down counter Plain down counter
This up/down counter design is a synchronous finite state
machine. The 12Mhz oscillator is used to synchronize the
transition between states. The counter is model of an
explicit Moore finite state machine. The up/down counter
is divided into four behavior statements. The first
behavior statement generate the timer pulse that driven
by the 12Mhz oscillator; the timer is treated as a clock
to synchronize the counter to a speed that slow enough so
that a specific counting sequence can be displayed its
value under the 7-segment LED displays. To reduce the
speed of the 12Mhz oscillator to a 1hz oscillator, it
requires a modulo 6 million counter to generate one duty
cycle of the new clock pulse, which is called timer. The
second behavior statement deals with the synchronize the
counting sequence using the timer pulse. The third
behavior statement describes the next state of the
counting sequence depending on the control input signal
that stated above. Finally, the fourth behavior statement
decodes the counter's output to a 7-segment LED displays.
Write the Verilog code according to the specifications
stated above (see attachment).
The next step is to assign I/O pin assignment using the
".ucf" extension file. The pin assignments are
as follow:
NET clock LOC = P13; NET nclr LOC = P44; NET I0 LOC =
P45; NET I1 LOC = P46;
NET I2 LOC = P47; NET S0 LOC = P25; NET S1 LOC = P26; NET
S2 LOC = P24;
NET S3 LOC = P20; NET S4 LOC = P23; NET S5 LOC = P18; NET
S6 LOC = P19;
The following step is synthesize the design for the
XC4010XLPC84 device with the speed of 12Mhz. Once
synthesis is completed, implement the design with the
timing configuration setting mode enable in the option
dialog box. The successful implementation will create the
bitstream file that contains the configuration for the
XC4010XLPC84. The bitstream file has the ".bit"
as its extension. Copy this bitstream file into the
appropriate Xess directory and begin to download the bit
configuration file. The bitstream file can only be
download through the MSDOS command. The command is as
followed: C:\xstools\bin\xsload file_name.bit.
Once the download is successful, the counting sequence
will be displayed accordingly. The desire counting
sequence can be displayed by providing the appropriate
input control signal using the xsport command. A typical
xsport is as followed: C:\xstools\bin\xsport 0011. This
is the up counter from 1 to 9 (001). The least
significant digit is the reset signal; it is an
active-low signal control.
Simulation Results
The functional simulation is run while ignoring the first
and fourth behavior statements because it is unnecessary.
The only interest of simulation result is to show whether
or not the counting sequence functions according to its
specifications. The results showed that the counting
sequence functions as it is expected (see waveforms).
The 7-segment LED displays showed that the transformation
of each count is one second interval. In addition, the
display is capable of showing all the hexadecimal
characters from 0 to F.
Feature Identification
As stated in the XS40 board manual, the XC4000 family
FPGA on the XS40 Board stores its configuration in an
on-chip RAM which is erased whenever power is
interrupted. However, an external serial EEPROM can be
placed in the socket U7 to store the FPGA configuration
and reload it on power-up. The direction of how to
install and configuration the setting of the EEPROM
device is given in the following website:
The XS40 Board's 7-segment displays showed that the
counter counts according to its specifications. However,
after several failure attempt to develop this counter
assignment, an observation suggests that a multiple
modules do not work too well. The first attempt of
Verilog code consists of multiple modules; each module
generates a separate counting sequence and then
de-referencing by its hierarchical path to produce the
output. Eventhough the simulation showed that the counter
functions correctly and the implementation creates the
bitstream, but it would not work properly when it is
download to the FPGA. However, the second Verilog code
consists of a single module and it works just as
expected. In essence, it is best to limit to a single
module if possible.