
Thank you for stopping by. My name is Kevin Massiglia and I'm a Music Therapist in Southern California. I received my training at Golden West College in Huntington Beach and Chapman University in Orange, California. I am also in the process of being trained as a Guided Imagery And Music facilitator at the Southern California Center For Music And Imagery in San Diego. You can find out more about both Music Therapy and GIM at either my Music Therapy page, which has links to many Music Therapy related sites or my Guided Imagery And Music Page. (AMI - The Association for Music and Imagery will have its own web site up and running in the very near future. Check back here for updates or e-mail me and I'll let you know when it's up.)

First, as David Copperfield (Dickens' character, not the magician) put it, "I was born". I was born and raised in Somerville, Massachusetts (just across the river from Boston). I came to California in 1979 and stayed, only returning to the east coast for the occaisional visit. The weather made me do it. The weather and the fact that I met and married THE most wonderful woman in the world. Jean's her name.

The subtitle of my Music Therapy page is "Music Therapy? What's That?". That is what I would have said ten years ago and that is what a lot of people still say. Fate interceded on my behalf when I was still searching for what my life's work was "supposed to be". I went to CSULB (Cal State Long Beach) with the intention of pursuing a degree in Music History and eventually a teaching career. While discussing with faculty what I intended to do with my degree I discovered the discipline called Music Therapy. My life changed forever that day. At the time I happened to be working with UCPA of Orange County (United Cerebral Palsy Association of Orange County) and had often used music with my students/clients there. Already in my conscious and unconscious brain were years of experiences with music in both active and passive roles where the music was vital in stimulating certain behaviors, arousing emotions, changing attitudes, triggering memories, etc. I tought, "Why didn't I think of this years ago?" (I was 37 at the time.) All I could think of in response was that I was not ready. That is when I decided to learn how to consciously use music as a therapeutic tool. That is how I entered this most exciting and profoundly moving career.

At this point I was going to relate some of my experiences with Music Therapy as therapist, with the intention of giving you some ideas as to exactly how one practices this treatment modality. I will do that in the near future. (This page is brand new and still under heavy construction!) Until those pages become a reality, please explore the Music Therapy Page or the Guided Imagery And Music Page where you can find examples of situations in which we practice.

Click here to go to list of links that I find to be among the most interesting on the www. So, explore them and come back and visit often as this place will be updated as often as is possible.

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